La biologia marina

EAZA European Zoo Educators Conference 2011

EAZA European Zoo Educators Conference 2011 10-12 March with a Visitor Study Seminar on 13 MarchHosted by Oceanogràfic of Valencia, SpainFind out how to register and book accommodation below right!All European zoo educators are invited to attend the EAZA European Zoo Educators Conference 2011, hosted by the Oceanogràfic, located in 'The City of Arts and Science' in Valencia. The conference will be used to bring EAZA's newly approved Conservation Education Strategy to life, with the opening day featuring a series of presentations, followed by a day and a half of workshops. Key themes will be:Visitor studies EAZA campaigns Climate change and sustainability education Social education Best practicesThe current draft of the conference programme can be downloaded using the link below. If you wish to propose a presentation for any of the non-confirmed speaking slots please contact Lothar Philips (zooschule[at]