One more 'Hail Mary' can save a life, change world politics, stop a war

...One more 'Hail Mary' can save a life, change world politics, stop a war. Continue to pray, pray, pray...  ..I share each victory with you, My children,through the golden chain of the rosary - My instrument of victory in hearts...FROM:August 29, 2016Monday Service - For the Conversion of the Heart of the WorldJesus is here with his Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." "My brothers and sisters, Heaven's need for your prayers intensifies with every passing moment. These are serious times that require your serious efforts. One more 'Hail Mary' can save a life, change world politics, stop a war. Continue to pray, pray, pray." "I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."  August 30, 2016 Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says: "Praise be to Jesus." "There are many victories of My Immaculate Heart, the greatest of which is when My Son returns and casts Satan into Hell. However, before that Great Day, the victory of good over evil in each heart is a triumph I cherish. Of course, a great victory would be the illumination of the heart of the world as to where each soul stands before God. The establishment of this Ministry* amidst hostile territory was a tremendous triumph. I cherish the good influence this Ministry has in a spiritually compromised area. Spirituality turns sterile when it is controlled by anyone. The rosaries said here** are staying the Hand of God's Justice. The rosaries discouraged from being prayed here call upon God's Justice." "You are never far from sharing in My next victory. When you pray for the welfare of all people and all nations, in some soul a great difference is accomplished - the victory of good over evil. I share each victory with you, My children, through the golden chain of the rosary - My instrument of victory in hearts." * The ecumenical Ministry of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine. ** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.   P.S.   ..Spirituality turns sterile when it is controlled by anyone.. WWW.ROSARYOFTHEUNBORN.EUWWW.ROSARYOFTHEUNBORN.COM