THE POWER OF THE HOLY ROSARY OF MARY TO CRUSH SATAN and his evil in the World and in our life

 Our Lady comes all in white. She has glittering lights around her. She is framed in the Rosary of the Unborn and is holding the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "Today, dear children, as you pray your rosaries, pray for the victory of good over evil...."In your hands, dear children, you hold the weapon that can expose evil and destroy Satan's evil plans. It is your rosary. With the power of your loving rosaries, Satan will not be able to complete his plans for the destruction of the world and he will be defeated. Much of what the dragon plans to destroy will be protected. You yourselves will find a path of light through the darkness, but you must pray.".. ..If you continue to pray your Rosary of the Unborn, perhaps Jesus will allow the fog of confusion to be lifted from the heart of the world so that all can see that abortion is the sin that catapults the world towards destruction." -----FROM:October 7, 2016 Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary - 3:00 P.M. Service(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.) Our Lady comes all in white. She has glittering lights around her. She is framed in the Rosary of the Unborn and is holding the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "Today, dear children, as you pray your rosaries, pray for the victory of good over evil. The upcoming election in this country will affect all people and all nations, as the new president will set policies in place which will carry worldwide implications. There is an undercurrent of evil trying to influence the outcome of this political race. Threats and promises have been made. Laws have been broken and whole institutions have been compromised by bad politics. Ambition in some hearts has taken on epic proportions." "The Trojan Horse in all of this is compromised Truth. People unwittingly invest their support in disingenuous political figures who will never deliver on their false promises. If these are the ones to assume leadership, much in the way of prosperity and freedom will be lost." "The struggle has been set between good and evil. You cannot have two diametrically opposed forms of government. One will have to take power. Do not be led by compromised Truth, but by the Light of Truth itself." "In your hands, dear children, you hold the weapon that can expose evil and destroy Satan's evil plans. It is your rosary. With the power of your loving rosaries, Satan will not be able to complete his plans for the destruction of the world and he will be defeated. Much of what the dragon plans to destroy will be protected. You yourselves will find a path of light through the darkness, but you must pray." "The reason so much of this Ministry* and the Messages** themselves are focused on the protection of life in the womb is that legal acceptance of abortion has replaced love of God and neighbor in hearts with love of self. Fulfillment of God's Commandments is no longer a concern. Mankind's free-will choices are the main priority. Protection of the right to lead sinful lives has permeated the highest court system." "All of this has obscured the difference between good and evil in hearts. This is why the conscience of the world is so confused that it cannot distinguish honesty from dishonesty in leadership. This is why poor leadership is an alternative and is even considered in the election upcoming in this country." "Grave concessions have been made to evil. Now it is more Satan leading this country than God. Dear children, we must courageously persevere in prayer. Prayer is the ballast holding this nation in some frail form of righteousness." "Dear children, I have called you here today to encourage your devotion to the Rosary of the Unborn. You must believe in the difference your prayers are making in the world all around you. The rupture of the First Seal (Rev 6:1-2) does not make your prayers ineffective, but stronger." "These days you have dangers all around you - terrorism and a great hurricane encroaching upon your borders. There are hidden dangers in hearts and many dishonest agendas in the minds of certain politicians. If you continue to pray your Rosary of the Unborn, perhaps Jesus will allow the fog of confusion to be lifted from the heart of the world so that all can see that abortion is the sin that catapults the world towards destruction." "I come to you to make you stronger and more resolute in putting an end to abortion. Great and manifold graces would flood the world if you would listen. The future would be changed and you would be at peace. God's Will would rule hearts." Dear children, today I promise to take all of your concerns to Heaven with Me and place them in the Heart of My Son. Do not fear for any grace - for I am the Mother of Grace." "Dear children, it is My Joy to spend these short moments with you during these apparitions; but in Heaven, I will be with each of you always - if you earn your salvation through Holy Love. I am looking forward to that." "Today, I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love." * The ecumenical Ministry of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine. ** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine. FROM : (Germania),  7 ottobre 1992. Festa della Madonna del Rosario.L'Angelo con la chiave e la catena.«Oggi ti trovi qui, nella sede del mio Movimento della Germania, per fare un Cenacolo con isacerdoti ed i fedeli consacrati al mio Cuore Immacolato.Mi venerate come la Madonna del Santo Rosario. Il Rosario è la mia preghiera; è la preghierache Io sono venuta dal cielo a domandarvi, perché è l'arma che dovete usare in questi tempidella grande battaglia ed è il segno della mia sicura vittoria.La mia vittoria si compie quando Satana, con il suo potente esercito di tutti gli spiritiinfernali, verrà chiuso dentro il suo regno di tenebre e di morte, da dove non potrà più uscireper nuocere nel mondo.Per questo deve scendere dal cielo un Angelo, a cui viene data la chiave dell'Abisso ed unacatena con la quale legherà il grande drago, il serpente antico, Satana con tutti i suoi seguaci.L'Angelo è uno Spirito, che viene inviato da Dio, per compiere una particolare missione.Io sono la Regina degli Angeli, perché entra nel mio stesso disegno quello di essere inviata dalSignore a compiere la più grande ed importante missione di vincere Satana.Infatti, già dal principio, sono preannunciata come Colei che è nemica del serpente, Colei chelotta contro di lui, Colei che alla fine gli schiaccerà il capo."Porrò inimicizia fra te e la donna, fra la tua e la sua discendenza. Essa ti schiaccerà il capo,mentre tenterai di mordere il suo calcagno".La mia discendenza è Cristo.In Lui, che ha operato la Redenzione e vi ha liberati dalla schiavitù di Satana, si compie la miacompleta vittoria.Per questo a Me è affidata la chiave, con cui è possibile aprire e chiudere la porta dell'Abisso.La Chiave è il segno del potere che ha chi è signore e padrone di un luogo, che gli appartiene.In questo senso colui che possiede la chiave del creato è solo il Verbo incarnato, perché permezzo di Lui tutto è stato fatto, e perciò Gesù Cristo è il Padrone ed il Re di tutto l'universo,cioè del cielo, della terra e dell'abisso.Solo mio figlio Gesù possiede la chiave dell'abisso, perché è lui stesso la Chiave di Davide, cheapre e nessuno può chiudere, che chiude e nessuno può aprire.Gesù consegna questa chiave, che rappresenta il suo divino potere, nella mia mano, perchécome Madre sua, mediatrice fra voi e mio Figlio, è stato affidato a Me il compito di vincereSatana e tutto il suo potente esercito del male.È con questa chiave che Io posso aprire e chiudere la porta dell'abisso.La catena, con cui il grande Drago deve essere legato, è formata dalla preghiera fatta con Mee per mezzo di Me.Questa preghiera è quella del Santo Rosario.Una catena infatti ha il compito prima di limitare l'azione, poi di imprigionare ed infine direndere vana ogni attività di colui che viene con essa legato.- La catena del Santo Rosario ha anzitutto il compito di limitare l'azione del mio Avversario.Ogni Rosario, che voi recitate con Me, ha come effetto di restringere l'azione del Maligno, disottrarre le anime dal suo malefico influsso e di dare maggiore forza alla espansione del benenella vita di tanti miei figli.- La catena del Santo Rosario ha anche l'effetto di imprigionare Satana, cioè di rendereimpotente la sua azione e di diminuire ed indebolire sempre di più la forza del suo diabolicopotere.Per questo ogni Rosario recitato bene è un duro colpo dato alla potenza del male, è una partedel suo regno che viene demolita.- La catena del Santo Rosario ottiene infine il risultato di rendere Satana completamenteinoffensivo.Il suo grande potere viene distrutto.Tutti gli spiriti maligni sono cacciati dentro lo stagno di fuoco e di zolfo, viene da Me chiusa laporta con la chiave della Potenza di Cristo, e così non potranno più uscire nel mondo pernuocere alle anime.Comprendete ora, miei figli prediletti perché, in questi tempi ultimi della battaglia fra Me,Donna vestita di sole, ed il grande Drago, Io vi domando di moltiplicare ovunque i Cenacoli dipreghiera, con la recita del santo Rosario, la meditazione della mia parola e la vostraconsacrazione al mio Cuore Immacolato.Con essi voi date alla Mamma Celeste la possibilità d'intervenire a legare Satana, perchépossa adempiere così alla mia missione di schiacciargli la testa, cioè di sconfiggerlo persempre, chiudendolo dentro il suo abisso di fuoco e di zolfo.L'umile e fragile corda del santo Rosario forma la forte catena con cui renderò mioprigioniero il tenebroso dominatore del mondo, il nemico di Dio e dei suoi servi fedeli.Così ancora una volta la superbia di Satana verrà sconfitta dalla potenza dei piccoli, degliumili, dei poveri.Mentre oggi vi annuncio che è vicina questa mia grande vittoria, che vi porterà alla vostrasicura liberazione, vi dono il conforto della mia materna presenza fra voi e vi benedico».DA, October 7, 2016Friday, October 7, 2016: (Our Lady of the Holy Rosary)Our Lady said: “My dear children, your best weapon against Satan and all of his temptations is praying the holy rosary. My complete rosary is the fifteen decade rosary of the fifteen Mysteries which was modeled after the 150 Psalms. Pope John Paul II has added the Luminous Mysteries because all the Mysteries are about my life and the life of my Son, Jesus. You have heard the many powerful stories of how my rosary has helped my children throughout history. Today, more than ever, we in heaven need your prayers to balance out all the sins of your world. Many times I have given you my intentions, which are prayers for the conversion of sinners, for the souls in purgatory, for stopping abortion, and for peace in the world. You have been praying many years for the conversion of communist Russia. You are also praying for the people who are suffering from Hurricane Matthew. I applaud all of your reparation Masses for the souls who die suddenly in disasters because they did not have time to prepare for their judgment. Remember to pray your rosaries every day, and if you should forget them, you need to make up for them on the next day. In the Gospel, my son, you saw mention of Beelzebul, who is the lord of the flies. You actually experienced thousands of flies in your new chapel as an attack on your good intentions. With praying the St. Michael prayer and consecrating your land to my Son, Jesus, this evil has been cleansed from your refuge. God bless you in your missions, and I thank all of My prayer warriors for praying my rosary.”[ Jesus said: “My people, a while back you were without power for eleven days, and your natural gas heater was not working in a cold March, 1991. You know what it is like to be without power for an extended period of time. You can empathize with the people of Florida in their power outage, only they will suffer the heat without air conditioners. There also is damage that may take a long time to repair. When people are suffering in one state, it is hard for people in other states to appreciate any stress the people in Florida are feeling. It will be hard to assess the total damage and hardships suffered from this storm. Pray for these people that deaths will be minimized and that power could be restored quickly. I told you that this event of Hurricane Matthew was one of the main events for this year. You still could see another main event in the next few months. Pray for the people who are suffering now, and those people who could suffer in the next event. Some of these events are a punishment for your sins, especially for your abortions.”     ] ......(          i put  [     and    ]            ) ....................................... ....Be united in the prayer of the rosary.... October 13, 2016 Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "When I appeared so many decades ago to the three shepherd children,* I gave them many warnings about future world events. Today, it is no different. You still have the threat of war, only these days it is far more encompassing due to modern technology. Mankind now has the capability of destroying not only himself, but the planet." "At Fatima, I asked the children for prayer and sacrifice. Today, I plead for this. You do not comprehend what is at stake. Be united in the prayer of the rosary. In this effort, help Me to put an end to Satan's campaign of confusion in the world. The same enemy threatens you today as it did when I came to Fatima. It is man's desire to please himself and not God." * Lucia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto