we really need spiritual readings !

 Jesus said: “My people... You saw in the vision how a shelf of religious books could serve you well in your religious reading. You read from the Bible, the Liturgy of the Hours, your Pieta prayer book, and your Magnificat prayer book. When you read your secular papers, they do not enrich your lives, as these holy books do. You need to spend time in prayer with Me, but you also need time for spiritual reading as well. When you have some spare time without any obligations, you could spend time reading these spiritual books, and it will be well worth your time in knowing more about Me. Remember when I told you that you will have to account for every moment of your lives. This time in spiritual reading will be a blessing for your judgment.”  FROM: WWW.JOHNLEARY.COM  Friday, September 23, 2016; (St. Padre Pio)Jesus said: “My people, I came as the prophesied Messiah of the Old Testament, but I did not want the people in public to know of My identity until I was to suffer on the cross. So when I asked My apostles who I am, they were at first not knowing how to answer. Then St. Peter said that I was the Christ, the Son of God. It was the Holy Spirit that enabled him to make this declaration. I then told My apostles to keep this a secret. I performed many miracles to testify to My authority, but I did not claim My identity until I was before the High Priest, Caiaphas, just as the Jews condemned Me to death for blasphemy. My son, do not worry about your solar system that can be repaired. This is another trial as you have seen other refuges that have had problems with their solar systems. Better to repair this system now, before it will be needed later. Call on My help, and I will help you with any of your refuge projects.”Jesus said: “My people, you have just read about the history of Fr. Paul Miller, C.S.R, whom you knew as one of the speakers at your retreats at the Notre Dame Retreat House. You all looked forward to his talks and roundtable discussions. He was a great historian of My Church. He will be greatly missed, and you can pray for his soul, and have Masses said for him. You saw in the vision how a shelf of religious books could serve you well in your religious reading. You read from the Bible, the Liturgy of the Hours, your Pieta prayer book, and your Magnificat prayer book. When you read your secular papers, they do not enrich your lives, as these holy books do. You need to spend time in prayer with Me, but you also need time for spiritual reading as well. When you have some spare time without any obligations, you could spend time reading these spiritual books, and it will be well worth your time in knowing more about Me. Remember when I told you that you will have to account for every moment of your lives. This time in spiritual reading will be a blessing for your judgment.”