Tuesday, August 13, 2024: (St. Pontian)Jesus said: “My son, Ezekiel was one of My prophets to spread My Word and to call on the people to repent of their sins. His eating the scroll is similar to the scrolls that were eaten in the Book of Revelation. All of My prophets are called forth to spread My words of salvation through My crucifixion and Resurrection. Tell the people how they need to repent of their sins and come to Me in Confession to be forgiven by Me in the priest. In the Gospel I am calling My people to stand up against the forces who are promoting abortion of My little ones in the womb. America will pay a dear price for all of the babies who were killed by abortion. Keep fighting with your prayers before the clinics of abortion. Encourage the people to be prepared to come to My refuges of protection when I will call you, so you can be saved from harm during the Antichrist’s tribulation.”Monday, August 12, 2024: (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)Jesus said: “My people, I call on all of My faithful to preach ‘Christ Crucified’ to all of those people who you are trying to evangelize. Your life here is a test or a training time to choose between Me or the devil. You will always have love from Me because I created each of you from the womb. The devil tries to kill people and steal their souls from Me. I limit the devil’s activity so you will only be tested to what you can tolerate. Every day you are in a constant battle with the demons because they do not sleep nor take a vacation. So call on My graces from your rosary prayers and your Masses, and I will protect you from the attacks of the evil ones. Just as I suffered on the cross in this life, so I am warning My faithful that you will walk in My footsteps with your own personal suffering, both physically and spiritually.”Note: Fr. Michel blessed Carol and John with an anointing of the sick as God the Father directed him.Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how the evil people want to reduce the population so there would be less people to control. You are seeing a new virus like the bird flu where the evil ones are preparing a new m-RNA vaccine to supposedly counter this virus. Just like the Covid m-RNA vaccine did not heal the Covid virus, so this new m-RNA vaccine will not heal this new virus. It is the plan of the One World people to use such a vaccine to eventually kill people. I gave you My Good Friday oil to heal people who were forced to take the Covid vaccine, or they would lose their jobs. These m-RNA vaccines are deadly because they kill people by changing your DNA. So refuse to take flu shots, Covid shots, or any new bird flu shots. Also refuse to take the mark of the beast, and refuse to worship the Antichrist. I will call you to My refuges where you will be protected from the evil ones, and you will be healed of any virus. Trust in Me to protect you from any deadly virus or vaccine at My refuges.”Sunday, August 11, 2024:God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is thanking you for all you do for My faithful people. This was a bold undertaking to have almost a hundred people, but it is a test to get you ready for dealing with a lot of people, as St. Joseph will build a high rise building for 5,000 people. Even though you had some severe rainstorms, you were all kept dry and you were protected by the tent. This big tent represented the large number of people in My Church. The tent also represented the shields that My angels will provide to protect you from the evil ones. Trust in Me and My Beloved Son, Jesus, to calm your storms, and give you confidence in our protection.”Saturday, August 10, 2024: (St. Lawrence)Jesus said: “My people, just as many Christians were martyred for their faith in Me in the Early Church, so there will also be martyrs in the coming tribulation. Before the Antichrist will be allowed to reign during the tribulation, I will have My refuge builders prepare safe havens for My faithful. I will bring My Warning and six weeks of Conversion. Then I will send out My inner locution to My followers. This will be a call for all of My faithful to come to My refuges of safety. Once My people are safe at My refuges, then I will allow the Antichrist to have his evil reign of less than 3½ years. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred. My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges throughout the tribulation.”Jesus said: “My people, you are getting close to some major events that will cause much blood to flow from wars and the next pandemic virus. Before the lives of My believers are in danger of being killed, you will see My Warning and the Conversion time. I will call My believers to My refuges and then you will see World War III and people will be dying from being martyred, and from the next virus. Refuse to take the mark of the beast, and refuse to take a flu shot nor a m-RNA vaccine. Do not worship the Antichrist. Only worship Me in My monstrance at My refuges, and I will heal you with My luminous cross in the sky. I will also feed you by multiplying your water, food, and fuels. My angels will protect you with their shields against bombs, viruses, and even a comet. Only believers will be allowed into My refuges, and those believers, who do not come to My refuges, will be martyred by the evil ones. Those believers, who die during the tribulation, will be raised up into My Era of Peace. My faithful at My refuges will be brought into My Era of Peace after the tribulation. Rejoice when you will be with Me.”Friday, August 9, 2024: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)Jesus said: “My people, when you come to some churches there are less people than a full church. So it is up to My faithful to encourage as many people as you can to attend Sunday Mass, since this is My Third Commandment. If people are willing, you can encourage them to come to daily Mass. You have a miracle going on at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood that you receive in Holy Communion. In the Gospel you have a question of what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and he loses his soul to the evil one? You cannot take your earthly wealth with you past the grave, so keep close to Me in monthly Confession so your soul can be saved. Your soul lives on forever, and you have a choice to be with Me who loves you, or with the devil who hates you. Choose life with Me so you can be with Me forever in heaven.”Jesus said: “My son, you have visited the Smithsonian buildings in Washington, D.C. where they have a pyramid, an eraser, and about thirty statues of headless figures. This scene and the pyramid on the one dollar bill are signs of the Masons with the ruler and the compass. These Masons worship Satan and they are preparing the fall of the world governments so they are ready to be given over to the Antichrist. The time is running out for the evil ones, but the Antichrist will be allowed to reign over the world for less than 3½ years. The evil ones will try and force the people to take a chip in the body, but refuse to take this chip in the body and refuse to take any m-RNA vaccines. Also refuse to worship the Antichrist. After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I will tell you to get rid of your TVs, computers, and cell phones so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist. Those people, who look at his eyes could be controlled to worship the Antichrist. Before the major events begin, I will call My faithful with My inner locution to come to My refuges. The tribulation will begin, but you will not be harmed at My refuges. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth that will kill the evil ones and they will be sent to hell. My faithful will be protected by My angels from the comet. Then I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”Thursday, August 8, 2024; (St. Dominic)Jesus said: “My son, you are taking on a beautiful celebration for the Eternal Father. This is why you will need My protection from the demons who want to disrupt this intention. Trust in My angels to help you and protect all of the people who will be traveling to your house. You are celebrating St. Dominic’s feast day. So call on St. Dominic to help protect you as well. I love all of you so much, and this may be the last get together with your friends before the major events.”Prayer Group:Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the hurricane season with two storms that have already hit the mainland of your country. Some of these storms could be a punishment for your sins. Whenever I give you an image that is spinning, it reminds you of My Warning with its life review and judgment before Me. You will experience a short time in the place of your destination of your judgment. Then you will experience My six weeks of Conversion to save souls who want to be with Me. Then I will call you to My refuges for your protection during the tribulation.”Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and when you honor God the Father, you are also honoring Me, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Blessed Trinity. This is a special time to honor the Eternal Father on His feast day which is on August 8th today. You have some nice pictures and statues of the Eternal Father. Call on the Father’s help to endure the coming events that will lead up to the tribulation of the Antichrist.”Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been concerned about Jocelyn and Amanda in their health problems, and you have been praying and offering Masses for them. In the spirit of St. Therese you can pray a Novena or nine days of her 24 Glory Be prayers for both of their intentions. They need some serious help, and they need to believe that I can heal them. Keep praying this Novena for their good health and their spiritual health as well. I will give them a sign that I am helping them, but they should be coming to Sunday Mass for their spiritual health.”Jesus said: “My people, you saw in the last election how the Covid enabled the use of drop boxes and other methods for cheating with illegal votes. So beware that the one world people could again use another virus that could interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election. If the Democrats cheat again to win, you could see a serious revolt just like the revolt in Venezuela, where there was cheating as well. In communist run countries, their elections are rigged to keep the communists in power every year. Now you have some very left leaning Democrats that could cheat again as they did in 2020. I told you that I did not call Biden President because of the cheating. So be prepared for a struggle for your freedom with this upcoming election.”Jesus said: “My people, Ukraine is losing to Russia because Russia is getting help from China and Iran. You have seen many missiles and drones being exchanged between the Ukraine and Russia, but Russia is taking over more territory. America could get drawn into both of these wars that could lead to World War III. Pray for peace in both of these conflicts, but a world war could kill many people.”Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the thousands of babies who are being killed by abortion every year. Killing unborn babies is a mortal sin for the mother and the doctor. Pray for the souls of these sinners, and pray that they will repent of their sin. The many abortions in your country that are allowed by your laws, is a national sin that your country will pay dearly when you will be taken over by the evil ones. I will call My faithful to My refuges before America falls.”Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing My refuge builders to set up My safe havens so My faithful will be protected from the Antichrist and the evil people. The time is growing short for the evil ones, so they will be struggling to take over the governments of the world. A world war will be used by the one world people for the takeover of the world. Have no fear because I will call My believers to My refuges where My angels will put up shields to defend you from the evil ones. The Antichrist will have a reign of less than 3½ years, but then I will bring My victory over the evil ones when they will all be cast into hell. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace after the earth is cleansed of evil. I will renew the earth into a new Garden of Eden that will allow My faithful to live a long time.”Wednesday, August 7, 2024:Jesus said: “My people, I light the way to Myself as your Lord and Savior. The only people, who do not come to Me, are those people who refuse to love Me and refuse to repent of their sins. It is My sacrifice on the cross that has brought salvation to all of My faithful. I call all of My people to reach out to help convert souls who need My help. I know you have been praying hard for two of your grandchildren with physical and even spiritual problems. Just like the Gentile woman who asked Me to heal her daughter, so I will reach out to help both of them. Keep praying for their souls as well as for their health. I reach out to save all souls including the Gentiles. So have faith in My healing, and your granddaughters can be healed.”Jesus said: “My son, the evil one world people are planning to bring a worse virus than the Covid. You have already heard rumors that there was a patent given out to supposedly be a vaccine for the bird flu. The rich people are paying to make bird flu transmissible between humans. In the Covid time the m-RNA vaccines did not stop the Covid, but they have killed more people than the virus did. So refuse to take any flu shots or m-RNA vaccines that are designed to reduce the population. The vision of dead bodies on the ground is a sign that you need to come to My refuges where you can look on the luminous cross to be healed of any virus. As I mentioned before, now is a good time to stock up on Tamiflu, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquin. These chemicals are parasite killers, and you have seen fenbendazole used in this family that does not require a prescription. These chemicals helped against the Covid virus and the evil ones tried to stop their use. This next virus is again being made to reduce the population, but like nuclear bombs, I will protect My people from the evil plans of the one world people. I will warn My faithful when to come to My refuges for their protection.”Tuesday, August 6, 2024: (Transfiguration of Our Lord)Jesus said: “My people, the readings today show you My full glory as the Son of God. You also heard the words of God the Father: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ You are preparing to honor the Eternal Father with your celebration of His feast day with all of your friends. My apostles were amazed to see Elijah and Moses conversing with Me. St. Peter even wanted to set up three tents. My son, you have been to this place on Mt. Tabor where there is a large church honoring Myself, Elijah, and Moses. This transfiguration is a preview of My Resurrection which is why I told My apostles not to reveal this vision until after My Resurrection from the dead. Rejoice because you are hearing of the glory of heaven where My faithful will share in My glory forever.”Jesus said: “My people, your people are concerned about a possible recession when there was a large reduction in new jobs. The high interest rates are putting pressure on small businesses and people with low incomes. The inflation has hurt people when they buy gas and food at the markets. After Israel killed some high-ranking leaders, Iran could be planning some reprisals on Israel that could start a further expansion of the war with Hamas and Hezbollah. Your people need to pray for peace in the Middle East, and your government could spend less money that is causing your inflation.”Sunday, August 4, 2024:Jesus said: “My people, bread is a staple for your meals, and I gave manna to My people every day, except on the Sabbath, for their nourishment in the desert. You also need to be fed spiritually with daily Holy Communion. Those people, who believe in My Real Presence, come to daily Mass so they can be fed with My spiritual Bread. I am truly with you when you receive Me worthily at Mass, meaning without mortal sin. Daily Adoration is another means to be close to Me. Every refuge will have Perpetual Adoration from a priest, or My angels who will bring you a consecrated Host to place in your monstrance if you do not have a priest. With My Real Presence and your faith in My miracles, I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Trust in Me because My angels will protect you from harm at My refuges.”Friday, August 2, 2024: (First Friday)Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing how Jeremiah was given death threats for preaching repentance of the people’s sins. Even in My own hometown of Nazareth the people wanted to throw Me over a cliff because they did not believe My words that I was the Son of God. You, My son, and many other prophets of the end times are being harassed and criticized for giving My messages of the fall of America because of your sins of abortion. I am asking all of My faithful to repent of their sins and come to monthly Confession. I am your Savior, and I bless all souls who take time to adore My Blessed Sacrament on this First Friday. I love all of you so much that I even died on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins. I bring everyone an opportunity to save your soul by giving everything over to Me and obeying My Commandments. Keep close to Me in your prayers and Adoration of My Eucharist, and I will bring you to your reward with Me in heaven.”Jesus said: “My people, all of the earthly events are getting worse. You are seeing the wars in Israel and the Ukraine are getting more serious. You are starting to see the hurricane season ramping up with another disturbance around Florida. The medical people are pushing for more vaccines that could be needed if viruses start killing people. Avoid the new m-RNA vaccines that are worse than any viruses. Be prepared to come to My refuges if the evil ones use martial law or any other means to stop your election. I am watching out for the safety of My faithful.”Thursday, August 1, 2024: (St. Alphonsus Ligori)Jesus said; “My people, you know how I form all of you in the womb, but unlike the potter, I do not make anything bad. Every unborn baby deserves to have life and should not be aborted. I do not make any of you without a plan or purpose for everyone’s life. In the Gospel this is another picture of the judgment day. You have heard several passages about the good faithful souls who are being separated from the evil ones. You read how the weeds were separated from the wheat. You read how the goats were separated from the sheep. Now today you are seeing the good fish being separated from the bad fish. If you want to be with Me in heaven, then you are to love Me and your neighbor and follow My Commandments. You are to make Me the center of your lives and worship only Me. Those people, who are faithful to Me, will be welcomed into heaven, but those people, who follow the world and the devil, will be cast into the eternal flames of hell. Choose life and you will be with Me forever.”Prayer Group:Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people want to cause another pandemic virus using bird flu to cause problems with the upcoming election. This is a real possibility because the FDA just approved a vaccine against the bird flu. People might want to stock up on tamiflu, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine. If many people are dying from such a pandemic, then I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”.....WWW.JOHNLEARY.COM