Post N° 20

CurriculumName: Maria Elisabetta Caruso Place and date of birth: San Cesario di Lecce, 07/05/1980 Nationality: Italian  Civil Status: Unmarried Institution address: University of Lecce, Physics Department Via Arnesano, CP 193, 73100 Lecce, ItalyTelephone: (39) 0832 297500  Telefax: (39) 0832 297505 E-mail:  Academic degrees 17/12/2004 Physics degree, University of  Lecce, Thesis: “Proprietà di emissione ed assorbimento fotoindotto in polimeri coniugati” Advisors : Dr. Marco Anni and Prof. Roberto Cingolani Career §         January 2005 – June 2005 research activity at National Nanotechnology Laboratory of C.N.R. – INFM, Lecce “Studio di assorbimento fotoindotto in sistemi ibridi fullerene-tiofene per applicazioni in celle solari organiche”§         September 2005 – January 2006 Fellowship - National Nanotechnology Laboratory of C. N. R. - INFM, Lecce “Microscopia confocale su polimeri coniugati per applicazioni in dispositivi emettitori di luce (OLED)”§         January 2006 - up to now : PhD student, Lecce UniversityResearch activity·         Organic thin films deposition by MAPLE technique·         Organic materials spectroscopy for optoelectronic applications