Messaggi del 23/06/2011

Dramma della gelosia

Post n°122 pubblicato il 23 Giugno 2011 da odette.teresa1958

Pandemonio una settimana fa a S.Tobia.Protagonisti i coniugi Sgozzaloca ed il medico condotto del paese,Gervasio Macelloni.
Tempo fa Anatolio,volendo riordinare delle carte ha trovato,ben nascosto in un secretaire,pacchetto di lettere legate con un nastrino rosa.Convinto che si trattasse delle lettere che lui inviava alla Palmira ai tempo del fidanzamento e volendo rivivere le emozioni giovanili, si è portato il pacchettino nello studio e ha cominicato a leggere.
Non vi dico la sua faccia quando ha scoperto che le lettere erano sì indirizzate alla legittima consorte,ma lo scrivente era un certo "Miciacchione sempre tuo" che si abbandonava su foglio a fantasie erotiche da film più che hard!
L'Anatolio avrebbe voluto uccidere sul posto la fedifraga,ma poi ha pensanto bene di scoprire l'identità del misterioso pornografo.
Cosa fa si solito un marito tradito,lettori miei?Ricorre all'investigatore privato,in questo caso certo Pancrazio Fischiettoni di Scandicci.
A tempo di record,lo Sherlock Holmes nostrano ha scoperto il colpevole:si trattava dell'integerrimo ed insospettabile dottor Macelloni,vicino di casa e fedele compagno a briscola dell'Anatolio!
Il quale Anatolio,guarda caso,è tornato a casa da Scandicci giusto in tempo per sorprendere la Palmira in salotto,discinta sulle ginocchia del macelloni!
A questo punto,il magnifico cornuto non ci ha visto più:afferrata la famosa mazza ferrata del suo antenato,il feroce capitano di ventura Spaccamontone Sgozzaloca (per gli intimi Il Massacratore) e si è scagliato sui fedifraghi.
Il Gervasio,scaricata brutalmente sul pavimento la sua bella, si è dato alla fuga
Il trambusto ha immediatamente richiamato ipaesani in strada:Berengario,che era dal barbiere,aveva metà faccia insaponata; la Targiona aveva in mano la gallina a cui aveva torto il collo; la Candida,che stava facendo il bagno,è uscita instrada così com'era (qaundo le hanno fatto notare che era leggermente nuda è stata colta da malore)
Il Macelloni intanto tentava come poteva di sfuggire al suo destino infame:si è arrampicato su un albero,ma il ramo ha ceduto;si è rifugiato in un cassonetto dell'immondizia,sventrato da Anatolio in due secondi netti(per questa impresa lo Sgozzaloca è entrato nel Guinness dei primati);ha provato a chiedere asilo in chiesa a ireneo,ma quello,molto poco cristianamente,gli ha sbattuto il portone sul muso...Alla fine non ha potuto far altro che vender cara la pelle e affrontare Anatolio armato di una scopa,trafugata allo spazzino.
Per sua fortuna,Cuccurullo e i suoi uomini,do po una strenua lotta,hanno finito con l'aver ragione dello Sgozzaloca.
E' passata una settimana.
La Palmira e il Macelloni sono in Burundi meridionale:hanno aperto un dispensario per le formiche nane.
L'Anatolio è nel reparto agitati della clinica Luminaris.
Due giorni fa ha quasi decapitato a morsi un infermiere:lo credeva il Macelloni travestito.
Dopo la sua involontaria esibizione,la Candida è diventata oggetto delle attenzioni assia poco gradite di un poliziotto,tal Carminuzzo Cefalù di Lercara Friddi.
Larga la foglia,stretta la via,dite la vostra ch'io ho detto la mia!

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Post n°121 pubblicato il 23 Giugno 2011 da odette.teresa1958

Farò della mia anima uno scrigno
per la tua anima,
del mio cuore una dimora
per la tua bellezza,
del mio petto un sepolcro
per le tue pene.
Ti amerò come le praterie amano la primavera,
e vivrò in te la vita di un fiore
sotto i raggi del sole.
Canterò il tuo nome come la valle
canta l'eco delle campane;
ascolterò il linguaggio della tua anima
come la spiaggia ascolta
la storia delle onde.

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Camille Claudel

Post n°120 pubblicato il 23 Giugno 2011 da odette.teresa1958


Camille Claudel was born in Fère-en-Tardenois, Aisne, in northern France, the second child of a family of farmers and gentry. Her father, Louis Prosper, dealt in mortgages and bank transactions. Her mother, the former Louise Athanaïse Cécile Cerveaux, came from a Champagne family of Catholic farmers and priests. The family moved to Villeneuve-sur-Fère while Camille was still a baby. Her younger brother Paul Claudel was born there in 1868. Subsequently they moved to Bar-le-Duc (1870), Nogent-sur-Seine (1876), and Wassy-sur-Blaise (1879), although they continued to spend summers in Villeneuve-sur-Fère, and the stark landscape of that region made a deep impression on the children. Camille moved with her mother, brother and younger sister to the Montparnasse area of Paris in 1881, her father having to remain behind, working to support them.

[edit] Creative period
Vertumnus and Pomona (1905, marble).

Fascinated with stone and soil as a child, as a young woman she studied at the Académie Colarossi with sculptor Alfred Boucher. (At the time, the École des Beaux-Arts barred women from enrolling to study.) In 1882, Claudel rented a workshop with other young women, mostly English, including Jessie Lipscomb. In 1883, she met Auguste Rodin, who taught sculpture to Claudel and her friends.

Around 1884, she started working in Rodin's workshop. Claudel became a source of inspiration, his model, his confidante and lover. She never lived with Rodin, who was reluctant to end his 20-year relationship with Rose Beuret. Knowledge of the affair agitated her family, especially her mother, who never completely agreed with Claudel's involvement in the arts[citation needed]. As a consequence, she left the family house. In 1892, after an unwanted abortion, Claudel ended the intimate aspect of her relationship with Rodin, although they saw each other regularly until 1898.

Beginning in 1903, she exhibited her works at the Salon des Artistes français or at the Salon d'Automne.

It would be a mistake to assume that Claudel's reputation has survived simply because of her once notorious association with Rodin. The novelist and art critic Octave Mirbeau described her as "A revolt against nature: a woman genius". Her early work is similar to Rodin's in spirit, but shows an imagination and lyricism quite her own, particularly in the famous Bronze Waltz (1893). The Mature Age (1900) whilst interpreted by her brother as a powerful allegory of her break with Rodin, with one figure The Implorer that was produced as an edition of its own, has also been interpreted in a less purely autobiographical mode as an even more powerful representation of change and purpose in the human condition.[1]

Her onyx and bronze small-scale Wave (1897) was a conscious break in style with her Rodin period, with a decorative quality quite different from the "heroic" feeling of her earlier work.

In the early years of the 20th Century, Claudel had patrons, dealers, and some commercial success.

Composer Claude Debussy has also been romantically linked to Claudel, but this was later proven as being false. Nevertheless, Debussy kept a copy of Claudel's La Valse on his mantel.

[edit] Illness

After 1905 Claudel appeared to be mentally ill. She destroyed many of her statues, disappeared for long periods of time, and exhibited signs of paranoia and was diagnosed as having schizophrenia.[2] She accused Rodin of stealing her ideas and of leading a conspiracy to kill her. After the wedding of her brother (who had supported her until then) in 1906 and his return to China, she lived secluded in her workshop.

[edit] Confinement

Her father, who approved of her career choice, tried to help her and supported her financially. When he died on 2 March 1913, Claudel was not informed of his death. On 10 March 1913 at the initiative of her brother, she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital of Ville-Évrard in Neuilly-sur-Marne. The form read that she had been "voluntarily" committed, although her admission was signed by a doctor and her brother. There are records to show that while she did have mental outbursts, she was clear-headed while working on her art. Doctors tried to convince the family that she need not be in the institution, but still they kept her there[citation needed].

In 1914, to be safe from advancing German troops, the patients at Ville-Évrard were at first relocated to Enghien. On 7 September 1914 Camille was transferred with a number of other women, to the Montdevergues Asylum, at Montfavet, six kilometres from Avignon. Her certificate of admittance to Montdevergues was signed on 22 September 1914; it reported that she suffered "from a systematic persecution delirium mostly based upon false interpretations and imagination"[citation needed].

For a while, the press accused her family of committing a sculptor of genius. Her mother forbade her to receive mail from anyone other than her brother. The hospital staff regularly proposed to her family that Claudel be released, but her mother adamantly refused each time. On 1 June 1920, physician Dr. Brunet sent a letter advising her mother to try to reintegrate her daughter into the family environment. Nothing came of this.

Paul Claudel in 1927.

Paul Claudel visited her every few years, though he referred to her in the past tense. In 1929 Jessie Lipscomb visited her and insisted "it was not true" that Claudel was insane. Rodin's friend, Mathias Morhardt, insisted that Paul was a "simpleton" who had "shut away" his sister of genius[citation needed].

Camille Claudel died on 19 October 1943, after having lived 30 years in the asylum at Montfavet (known then as the Asile de Montdevergues, now the modern psychiatric hospital Centre Hospitalier de Montfavet), and without a visit from her mother or sister (her mother died on 20 June 1929). Her body was interred in the cemetery of Monfavet. No one from the family attended the ceremony (only a few members from the hospital staff). Later her remains were buried in a communal grave (the body was never claimed by her family)[citation needed].

[edit] Legacy

Though she destroyed much of her art work, about 90 statues, sketches and drawings survive.

Some authors argue that Henrik Ibsen based his last play, 1899's When We Dead Awaken, on Rodin's relationship with Claudel.[3][4][5][6]

In 1951, Paul Claudel brother organized an exhibition at the Musée Rodin, which continues to display her sculptures. A large exhibition of her works was organized in 1984. In 2005 a large art display featuring the works of Rodin and Claudel was exhibited in Quebec City, Canada and Detroit, Michigan, USA. In 2008, the Musée Rodin organized a retrospective exhibition including more than 80 of her works.

The publication of several biographies in the 1980s sparked a resurgence of interest in her work.

Camille Claudel (1988) was a dramatization of her life based largely on historical records. Co-produced by Isabelle Adjani, starring herself as Claudel and Gérard Depardieu as Rodin, the film was nominated for two Academy Awards in 1989.

In 2003, plans were announced to turn the Claudel family home at Nogent-sur-Seine into a museum, which was negotiating to buy works from the Claudel family. These include 70 pieces by Camille Claudel, including a bust of Rodin.

Seattle playwright S.P. Miskowski's La Valse (2000) is a well-researched look at Claudel's life.[7]

Camille Claudel was produced as a musical by Goodspeed Musicals at The Norma Terris Theatre in Chester, Connecticut in 2003.[8]

In 2005, Sotheby's sold a second edition La Valse (1905, Blot, number 21) for $932,500.[9] In a 2009 Paris auction, Claudel's Le Dieu Envolé (1894/1998, Valsuani, signed and numbered 6/8) has a high estimate of $180,000,[10] while a comparable Rodin sculpture, L'eternelle Idole (1889/1930, Rudier, signed) has a high estimate of $75,000.[11]

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Libri dimenticati:Lei non sa chi è mio fratello

Post n°119 pubblicato il 23 Giugno 2011 da odette.teresa1958

Quante volte  abbiamo sentito la frase "Lei non sa chi sono io!"?

In questo gradevolissimo libro Franco Bungaro e Vincenzo Jacomuzziraccontano la storia di emeriti sconosciuti che per colpa del destino si sono ritrovati ad essere fratelli o sorelle di personaggi famosi e talvolta scomodi,come Hitler,Mussolini,Franco.

Scopriamo così che Gino Bartali e Fausto Coppi,acerrimi rivali per anni,hanno in comune il tragico destino dei loro due fratelli minori,Giulio e Serse,entrambi ciclisti,entrambi morti per una caduta  nel fiore degli anni; che Paul Claudel,il grande scrittore cattolico francese,condannò la sorella Camille,geniale scultrice allieva ed amante di Rodin,al manicomio perchè la riteneva "scomoda";scopriamo che Francisco Franco aveva un fratello comunista,mentre il fratello di Gramsci era un convinto fascista...

Tutte queste vite "minori" vengono narrate con garbo e leggerezza,e costuiscono una facile e gradevole lettura che mi permetto di consigliare a tutti coloro che vogliono leggere un libro insolito

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Frase del giorno

Post n°118 pubblicato il 23 Giugno 2011 da odette.teresa1958

In questo mondo è importante non aver l'aria di ciò che si è (Gide)

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Ciao, serena serata
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il 01/08/2014 alle 18:11
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Buon pomeriggio.Tiziana
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i gatti sono proprio così.:)
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