La farmacia d'epoca

The mystery about Rooll Laboratories

Good day to all of you British people, today I really need your help!A year ago I came across this “Balsamic Pastils” tin, made by Pharmaceutical Laboratorj Rooll of Genoa, and since then I can’t find a clue about this pharmaceutical industry.The word “Laboratorj” is written with a “j” in place of a “y” and, even if a year has passed, I still don’t know if it’s a typo or it’s made on purpose, so I really, really need your help, because at the moment my researches are completely stuck.So, if you or somebody you know remembers something about Laboratorj Rooll of Genoa, please share with me your knowledge: this will really help me go forward in my researches.That’s  the photo of the tin:
Those pastils were the classic cough pastils of the first mid of the twentieth century: a derivate of opium, in this case narcein, and other balsamic components like creosote, menthol and tolù balsam, and just a little monkshood for the “deadly” finishing touch.The tin measures 3,20  x 2,35 x 0,4 inches and the label is made of paper.Thanks in advance for your future cooperation, and thanks for reading my post! English is not my mother language, so if you find grammatical errors, typos or other incorrect things please leave me a comment: I will change them as soon as I can. Bye!