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I was there as a student, and there was one man I never forget. He looked fairly young. Early 60s, in the later stages of Alzheimers. His name was Jack, and he talked all the time. Every single bit of it was unintelligible, but sometimes I sat with him and tried to pick out a few words and maybe put something together. Never could do it, but he just talked and talked. He would grab on to you as you walked by, and cling to your clothing. strong man! He had a baby doll that he would play with. He would talk to it, hug it, kiss it. I always wondered what this guy was like before the disease. he seemed like a unique individual.There were a few other patients that I always carry with me. I got to sit with quite a few and just talk to them, even if they were calling me Jean, their sister. Or even if it was a poor 80 year old woman asking me to go get the phone book so that she could call her mother. It broke my heart, but I am also thankful for my time there because I believe that no matter how "gone" they may seem in the mind, there are some things that they can still comprehend and notice, and I glad to have had the chance to sit with them, hold their hands. one lady rubbed my arm for about an hour talking about how warm I was. It was both heartwarming and heartbreaking. Bittersweet. He text me goodmorning every morning, ask how cheap nfl jerseys the day was going, and that was that. We decided to meet up and catch dinner. I got to the place, notice there no motorcycle around (since he said he was riding his motorcycle that evening) and I got a table. Sat there awkwardly waiting for a while, still no motorcycle. I called him and told him I was there. He claims to be there too, and already has a table. I tell him I don see him, and then he finally realizes he in the wrong restaurant. Once he finally is able to get himself to the right place, it becomes apparent to me that he probably stoned out of his mind. I tried to keep the awkward down to minimal levels with conversation, but it just wasn flowing well. Towards the end, he tells me "Well, I don know what you doing for the rest of the night, but I going home to get stoned and play video games." Charming! Right on. I haven heard from him sense, thankfully.On a good note, I had an awesome first date on Friday. He took me to this nice Japanese place. We only had plans for dinner, but once we were finished, he suggested we go see a movie. He was pretty much anything I could Cheap NFL Jerseys hope for in a first date. I been on a few dozen from OKC, but so far this one is at the top. Neither of us went in for a kiss, but I think we both more of the type to take it a little slow. Second date coming up this week, so we see where that goes. If someone has a question about it, I have no qualms about answering it however. I can see why someone would be curious about my past relationships, and moreso my failed marriage. I have a kid, so the question usually comes up as to whether I was married or not.Most people do not ask, but if they do I give them a very brief, to the point answer and try to keep the negativity out of it.Early on if they mentioned that they were still close friends with their exes, it wouldn bother me. It might bother me later down the road if I started having feelings for this person. It would bother me however if they incessantly talked about what was wrong with their ex and just didn know when to stop talking about it. I been on dates where I felt like a therapist because people just feel the need to talk about every ex they ever had and every single thing that was wrong with that person. That not the greatest thing to do.My ex and I broke up because we just weren on the same page in our lives. We were long distance, and I cannot move out of the state due to custody issues with my child, and it became apparent that he was not willing to move either. That was that. but I met a guy on OKC, and after talking for a while we decided to meet. I went over to his apartment, he pulled his bong out, and I took 3 hits. It not like I never smoked weed before, but never out of a bong, and never shit like this. I have no idea what the hell it was, but 3 hits and about 10 minutes later I feel really dizzy, sleepy, and kind of paralyzed. I told him I didn feel well, and then he started giving off really weird vibes to me. He pulled me into him so I could "rest" on his shoulder. I told him I really needed to lay down. Moving was a chore, and walking was almost impossible. But Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys I laid down on his bed, closed my eyes, and just wished that the feeling would go away. He laid down next to me, kept trying to pull me close to him. He kept suggesting that he had some shorts and that I should change my clothes. Then I started accusing him of trying to date rape me. He laughed at me and asked me how that was possible since he smoked too. Even after being accused of date rape, he was still really touchy feely and insistent to get me out of my clothes.Well. that was until I shot up and blurted out for him to show me the bathroom. I ran to the bathroom and puked all over his toilet while he stood in the door way and watched. Then he told me to leave. which was fine and dandy, because my body was screaming at me to leave the entire time, but mustering up the energy to talk before that was exhausting. I pretty sure I zombie walked all the way out to my car. Meanwhile he walked right past me to get into his car, and he left. I got in my car, locked the doors, turned the radio on and put my seat back and slept it off.:( I too had a dog that was poisoned as a kid. It was a mutt pup, wasn even a year old. I named him Oscar because of his grungy look, and that dog soon became my best friend. I found him laying on our back concrete patio one day, in a pile of vomit and diarrhea, still barely alive. I sat next to him and bawled and Wholesale NFL Jerseys tried to comfort him until he died. A few months later, a kid across the street said something about his dad putting poisoned meat out to attract my dog over to eat it.Years later, we ended up with some weird ass neighbors. Never really knew who lived there because there were always different cars in the driveway. We lived on a channel to a lake and alligators weren an uncommon thing to come across, but we had 2 different gates that separated our back yard and the piece of land that was near the water. My sister dog came up missing, and a week later one of the neighbors asked me if we had a dog fitting a description, and I told her yes. She told me she saw it get snapped up by an alligator. Thought it was weird because there no way anything could get out or into those gates. A month later the dog rotting carcass ends up at the end of our driveway. We had goats and such, too. One of them just had a pair of babies, and the day after they were born we found one of the babies with it head and limbs cut off. They moved soon after, but we never really found out what happened to the poor dog and baby goat.