
like it a fucking

You arguing this like it an article of faith with you, something so deeply ingrained into your personality that I can only imagine that in your, specific, case it a lifestyle you use to compensate for some serious issues.I didn make that judgment until you posted this, and it not based on your relationship being poly, just how much you freaking out about a valid criticism of the lifestyle in general.If you a poly person who HAS made it work for a long period of time, then congratulations or what the fuck ever you feel you need to validate yourself. Still doesn change the fact that most people aren able to handle it.FFS, realize that this is coming from someone who has HAD poly relationships that didn work out for reasons unrelated to the sexual sides of it/jealousy, and STFU. I didn come at you saying poly was a disorder, or wrong, just unlikely to work, because I seen it fail so many, many times because of the sex, because of jealousy. I seen people use it over Cheap Ray Ban Sunglasses and over again to http://www.cheapsunglassesstore.co.uk/ray-ban-sunglasses35/ray-ban-13638 cheat on or just not give a shit about their partner "Oh, I poly so I can help but fuck these guys/girls" like it a fucking condition instead of a lifestyle to discuss with your partner.However, now it right in your face. People choose monogamy (in part) to avoid having to face just how tenuous relationship connections can be,However, now it not in your face and it really, really isn for most people. I sure you deal with it all the time in your social http://www.cheapsunglassesstore.co.uk/ray-ban-sunglasses35/ray-ban-3137 group, but please realize it a small, tiny percentage of the kink scene that into it. Swingers and such tend to form tight knit social circles that normalize it an make it seem like everyone is doing it because you see it more often.Secondly, know how i know i been bestof I not even subscrbed. It easy i just wait for the xbox live esque comments, the homophobic comments, the holier than thou comments www.cheapsunglassesstore.co.uk/ray-ban-sunglasses35/ray-ban-106539 start showing up under my posts days and sometimes weeks and months after i made the post. They never anyone genuinely concerned about discussing the subject matter, just trolling, laying down judgement, or speaking about which they know nothing about because what i said offended their precious sensibilities and fragile worldview or other preconcienved notions, stereotypes. I really wish this sub would burn.Yeah, I really don give a shit about you personally to go to any of these lengths, but instead you decided to come here and call ME out.