
he goes to the gym

Lose those lbs easilyI have noticed over the last few weeks that my weight has gone up and up. I have always been 8 and a half stone. Not any more! Every time I stood on the scales I noticed that the lbs had started to pile on. First of all it was just a couple of lbs then slowly it started to rise, and to my horror I weighed myself last week and noticed that I was well over 9 stone. Now you may not think that this is very big. But as I am only 5ft 2 inches and a bit, I always add the bit, it does make a difference, I realised that my middle was becoming as big as my height! Well, not quite but you get the point. The trouble is that I don't eat much, just a sandwich at lunchtime and a meal in the evening. So why was I gaining weight? Probably because I tend to work from home these days so I don't get the exercise walking or riding to work, doing a full day and then walking or riding back home. I have always exercised, but obviously as you get older you find that shifting the weight is not so easy. Then one day, out of sheer desperation, I wandered into the health club in my town. To be quite honest, I wasn't holding out much hope of discovering a new exercise that would get rid of my fat, but I lived in hope. As I was about to leave I noticed something called a Fabuloss. I stared at it for a moment and completely baffled I went to the counter and asked what it was. I know that I am a bit slow sometimes and you have all probably heard of it before, but believe me when I say it was new to me. I was told that it was a vibrating machine. I said, a what? A vibration exercise machine. Wow. This sounded my kind of thing.Vibrate your way to successEvidently there has been numerous studies to see if the vibration machines do work. The conclusion is that they can definitely help you lose weight. Of course if you are still eating the wrong foods, or eating way too much then you won't see that much difference.The machine was actually first invented for the Russian Space programme. As there isn't any gravity in Space, Astronauts needed something cheap nfl jerseys to keep their muscles strong. With no resistance to train with, their muscles would have become very weak. Another problem would have been a loss in bone density. By standing on a vibrating platform, the muscles would have something to work against.The idea is actually quite simple. By standing on the platform, the muscles within the body will contract to counteract the vibration. it is also good for blood circulation, As the tendons start to stretch, the muscles will contract and even after a short time on the machine, your body will have experienced the same amount of exercise as an hour on any other type of equipment! In other words, ten minutes standing still on a vibrating machine will give you the same benefits as an hour busting a blood vessel on a rowing machine! I like it!The advantage of the machine is that it is exercising all of your body muscles at once. If you do any other sort of workout, you tend to work on your legs or abs for half an hour then change it to something else. Of course, with the vibrating exercise machine it does help if you do a few gentle movements as you are vibrating. Some people do bends or step ups, others actually sit on it or do weights. Because it helps to decrease the stress hormone cortisol, the pain caused by tension will be very much improved. It has also been noted that it helps people with poor coordination, posture and long term injury pain. There have been studies that show injury is greatly improved to such an extent, that someone who couldn't walk very far because of back pain, can now walk much farther distances because of using the machine. Evidently the Russian Space programme actually shows the efficacy of the machine by staying in Space for over 400 days compared to other Astronauts who have only managed just over a hundred, because of problems with muscle and bones.Always Check Your Health Before Using A Vibrating MachineCommon sense will tell you not to use this machine if you suffer from any debilitating illness. For example, advanced heart disease, diabetes, bad migraines, epilepsy or even if you are pregnant. If in doubt always Consult your Doctor first.You can actually buy one of these machines for your home but they can be really expensive. As they become more popular they will come down in price. So the best thing to do is go to a gym. There is two advantages for doing this. The first one is that you won't be tempted to use it too often. It should never be used more than once a day. And the second advantage is that it will be much cheaper. I used it for the first time and it only cost mefour pounds, which is about six dollars for ten minutes. That may sound too expensive, but if you think about it, you spend twice that for an hours workout on another piece of gym equipment. And you get absolutely worn out too! With the vibrating machine, you can just stand and stare out of the window while the amazing little machine does all the work for you! How about that? My opinion?Try A Makeup Makeover For A Great New LookIs your makeup making you look old? Are you still using the same makeup and style that you have kept for decades? Now is the time to change your style and look. Tips on How To Choose Your lipstick, eyeshadow and liner. Includes How To Prepare Your FaFacial Exercise The Natural Facelift That Will Tak.Lifecell was the winner of the best wrinkle cream award. So what is it that makes it so special? Nell Rose takes a look to see what all the fuss is about.Epigenetic studies show that our genes are the key to anti ageing.I lost 6lbs in two weeks and so can you with these easy diet tips! Trick your brain into not knowing you are on a diet. Learn how to eat what you want and lose weight. Plus fun ways to exercise. Explanation of harmful chemicals that we come into contact with every day of our lives.christopheranton 2 years ago from Gillingham Kent. United Kingdom cheap jerseys Level 4 CommenterI used to have one of those vibrating belts, to reduce my "Beerbelly". But a Vibraslim seems a much better idea.Thanks for the info Nell.Ashantina 2 years agoIve tried one of these machines before at the gym. all I can say is 'do not sit on it!!' lolSpirit Whisperer 2 years ago from Isle of Man Level 2 CommenterI used this machine once but felt nauseous so never went back to it. For those of you who do not suffer from travel sickness this is definitely the way to go! Thanks for a great write up and I especially liked Ashantina's remark.Teylina 2 years agoGoing to share w/my daughter! She goes to the gym much as possible, but is so tired it's difficult to do. She's dealing with weight loss, and she and I both (mostly I) have back pain; she might try this. I haven't tried vibration, but jacuzzi jets and electrical stimulation help (altho' the roller type therapy aggravates it), so vibration might. Thank you for the info. Good piece.lilyfly 2 years agoGee, Nell, don't you remember those old pictures of a flabby man with a vibrating belt around his mid driff, circa 1966? But if it Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys works,,, hey! lily