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Economic stress seems to be an apt description of today environment. Unemployment, foreclosures www.wholesalecheapcowboysjerseys.com and bankruptcies seem to have hit every nook and cranny in these United States. Put another way, I don care where you live, your jurisdiction has its share of these problems.Wouldn it be nice if you had instant access to a website that measured the financial strain not only in your area but across the USA? I think it would.If you go to the AP Economic Stress Index you will be at THE site. Mind you, this site isn meant to tell you how to solve your personal real estate dilemma(s). It is meant to give you an idea of what is happening where.The Associated Press Economic Stress Index Toolby Tom KoziolUse your real name and only your name in the field designated for your name.No keywords allowed as anchor text in the name or comment fields. Cheap Cowboys JerseysNo signature links allowed under your commentsYou may use links in the body of your comment, but it must be relevant to the discussion at hand, and not merely be some promotional link.We will have NO reservations about deleting your content if we feel you are posting merely to get a link without adding value to our discussion.If you add value, but still post keywords, we'll use your comment, but remove your link and keywords.For more information about acceptable practice, see our site Wholesale Cowboys Jerseys rules.Thank you for visiting the BiggerPockets Blog. Our goal is to educate and inform our readers with the best real estate investing content, commentary, news, and tips available. Be sure to join our social network and get active to help you build your network and business! Oh, and don't forget to follow us on G+.Want to Contribute?If you are a mortgage lender, real estate agent, commercial real estate expert, or other professional, and want to be a part of the premiere blog for real estate investors, contact us!