
Once again I believe that a

Tracey Ocasio was seen at the Florida Tap Room Bar in Orlando, Florida with James Hataway the night she vanished. on May 26, 2009. Where is Tracey? James Hataway is in jail in Seminole County for charges regarding the possible strangling attempt on another woman Rachael. This article is at Crimesider below. That night is a number 6, the same number of Jennifer Kesse's disappearance day. Coincidence? It is also around the same date, the 24th was the day Jennifer Kesse disappeared. 26 is the day Tracey disappeared and James Hataway's birthday is on the 21st day of the month and may have something to do with the reasons why the girls have gone missing.Tracey's last name starts with an O and this is the letter of the day for Jennifer and Tracey too. The letters are the same F, O and X. Tracey's car was found abandoned on Franklin St (F clue) just like Jennifer Kesse's car only 150 yards from Hataway's house at 100 Lyle St, Ocoee (O clue), Florida. If you take a look at this location, Authentic Demaryius Thomas Jersey it is very remote and near lots of woods. Hataway loved woods, water and privacy as a Scorpio.The night that Tracey goes missing there seems to be 2 people involved, but as many as 6 may know what happened to her. Yes I believe Hataway knows what happened to Tracey.There was a vicious fast attack with weapons, guns/knives. I am sorry but I believe she was cut up. She would have head wounds, head damage. There was lots of blood. If this is the case than maybe that place he was living in should be luminoled. Once again a friend was NOT a friend but a predator. There is deception here in friendship again. Drugs and alcohol were used and I believe to knock her out or put Tracey off guard. Tracey may have tried to leave.Yes there was a robbery but not a lot of money. Vehicle was used to dump body. There is a direction North near a work place or father's house that day. or government land. (This same location has come up before). Once again a surprise at night, near woods and water. Body fluids would have been lost. These seem to be places in nature where no one would notice.There seems to be another location Southeast where something is also buried. This too seems to be another work place that is known. Something being built. A work vehicle is used or tools are used. Almost like a junk yard, salvage place or old vehicles are around. An empty warehouse or abandoned Von Miller Womens Jersey building.Tracey's chart reveals she is a Leo. Yes Leo the lion. You can see this in her eyes. Once again a very attractive girl. A girl with passion and it shows. Jennifer was also beautiful. This why I am thinking that Hataway may have sold them or exchanged them for drugs to gang members for prostitution and porn films.Tracey's chart also reveals that relationships for her are very dangerous and her death zone is also East, near an airport, strip clubs and windy areas. Human trafficking may also be involved in her case. I will say this Tracey would also have fought like a lion with claws and teeth. Death due to lack of air, strangling or suffocation is in her chart as well as Jennifer's. I am believing that Tracey may have wanted a relationship with Hataway as his sign sits in her 7th house indicating a possible relationship or marriage.This attack too was a surprise blitz attack and she did not see it coming. Tracey did not run away and I am sorry she is either dancing and prostituting thanks to Hataway or deceased. Her direction is East near an airport and south in water from her chart. The direction of the day is North and Southeast.Tracey too had a danger from Scorpios, Libras, con artists and people in trouble with the law. Tracey liked to dance and loved music so it would be natural for her to go to clubs. Tracey was talented in the areas of dance, balance, drawing, music and the arts and could have pursued a legal career in some way. Yes she would love animals and children.Tracey's other danger zone was in the home, water and chemicals. She may have developed a drinking problem or drug problem during her lifetime. There is a home problem or mother issue that Tracey had. This indicates that she could also be hurt in a home like I discussed above. This would be in the south part of the house, in water or near water. A possible drowning also.I do not believe it is a coincidence again that Tracey was 27 years of age and fell into the same Friends zone as Jennifer and Hataway did. There are other friends that know what happened but are afraid to say anything as Hataway is ruthless. I also believe Hataway is involved in Onda George's disappearance. George knew something and I feel is the person walking by the gate at Jennifer's house. As I believe the man in the photo has on brown work boots. George is 5'11". Toole is the other man that worked at the gym next to The Florida Tap Room and is listed as a sexual predator.Rte 438 becomes important here as well as it also adds to 6. I believe if you find Tracey, you will find Jennifer.There is an ongoing theme of some kind of spirituality in these disappearances and I believe Hataway may have been practicing some kind of officialbroncosonlineproshop.com/88_demaryius_thomas_jersey_cheap religion. Look for skulls, altars, fire pits as this is part of his death attraction. Pots and pans, the kitchen and cult followers. Maybe this is a dark group of some kind. Cemeteries would also be favored. Hataway may be the head or Lord of this group.Once again I believe that all strip clubs should have dancers registered in some way to be legal, otherwise human trafficking can continue. If they can't do this legitimately than don't let them go into business in the first place. Many of these clubs are filled with underage girls, runaways and prostitutes being pimped upon by men. Sorry but that is the way I see it.Tracey's Sun is in Aquarius right now so something is there to officialbroncosonlineproshop.com/58_von_miller_jersey_cheap discover regarding friends, communications.Published by Linda CrystalHuman Trafficking: What it is and Why it Should Be StoppedHuman trafficking is a very real problem in our world. The same routes that are used to smuggle arms and drugs are used to smuggle people against their will.