
We are not your persona

For a good idea of the kind of stuff we mean by "personal attacks" look here Editing out the personal attack will allow your comment to be reinstated. If you Chandler Parsons Mens Jersey disagree with a removal feel free to modmail us.Do not vote or comment in linked threadsunless the submission is in a community you are a member of. (The "part of the community" thing is an exception to this rule that ideally only applies Reggie Miller Mens Jersey if you found the thread through your normal browsing of a subreddit. So don comment in dead threads).Remain as neutral as possible; biased titles/self posts are grounds for deletion. Save the editorializing for the comments!We are not your personal army. Chandler Parsons Womens JerseyNo calls www.officialbasketballstore.com/reggie-miller-jersey to arms shall be allowed.When submitting drama do not link to the full commentsInstead link directly to the comment tree containing the drama. If the comment you linking to requires some context, add "?context=x" to the URL, where "x" is the number of parent comments you want displayed. If there are multiple drama threads create a self post containing the relevant links. Exceptions may be made to this rule, however they must be submitted as self posts.