homo sum

Song of Fantasy

 I just think that, all this is true,Yes I need to stay whit U,in this world created by,mine heart, soul, mind,nothing stupid innatural helpers,nothing lies, no evil trappers,in mine heart, I have see,the dimension of fantasy,walk'ng into this colored way,some have find, that they say,like a thunder... that give lights,for their tired lonely nightsso song of Fantasy YeahWhen da dark is all your sky...to all the hopes U say goodbye.reality became a "night'mare"when U list'n only "I don't Care!"devil dancing to much fast,changing dreams in dirty dust,arms up, to cry on goal,seeing live falling in a black holeso song of Fantasy Yeaha flower peep-out, from da snow,now is da time, now U know,the time to give Ur live a chance,for create a beautiful dance,there's a light, that radiated farbecame from, a little star,is the smaller, but give a lightand versus darkness, engage a fight,so song of Fantasy YeahFighting versus Destiny,sing this song of Fantasy,hearth in hearth, hand in hand,make a star towards promise land.