
XBLA game due tomorrow is Warhammer

  The final new XBLA game due tomorrow is Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (800 MS points, or $10). In the game, players assume control of a premier Space Marine unit that has been sent to take out a threatening Ork Kroozer. The interstellar ship of war is en route to an Imperial Forge World, and players will be charged with thwarting its warboss and stopping his world-consuming Waaagh.Two additional Xbox Live Arcade games are due cheap Rift Gamecard out tomorrow, the first of which is Boulder Dash XL (800 MS points, or $10). An action-puzzle game, Boulder Dash XL is a remake of sorts of the original Boulder Dash, which was released in the 1980s. In the game, players are tasked with collecting sparkling diamonds and avoiding enemies, traps, and boulders.As an added incentive, those who play through Kill Team's first cheap rift cd key mission will unlock the power sword for use in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. The weapon, which is a powerful melee energy weapon, will be available in Space Marine's multiplayer mode.Warhammer 40K cheap rift cd key goes downloadable tomorrow on XBLA.Kill Team plays out as a third-person arcade shooter, and game enthusiasts will be able to assume the role of of classes. The sternguard veteran and techmarine offer ranged-combat options, while the vanguard veteran and librarian focus on close-quarters brawling. The game accommodates two-player split-screen. from:http://lorrainele.skyrock.com/