Marcello Moschen


 Marcello Moschen Member since: July 15, 2007 Total points: 91 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Best answer 0% 0 answersMember Since: July 15, 2007 Total Points: 91 (Level 1) Points earned this week: 0Add to My Contacts Block User Resolved QuestionShow me another »What can we do to save the Planet from the global warming?The time has come? Marcello Moschen, italian singer!2 years ago Report Abuse
by 3DM Member since: May 16, 2007 Total points: 9467 (Level 5) Add to My Contacts Block User Best Answer - Chosen by VotersThe Planet does not need saving. We need to be saved from ourselves - the lunatic fringe is out to bring us down.2 years ago 57% 4 Votes1 Rating: Good Answer 1 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse 0 stars - mark this as Interesting!Who found this interesting?Be the first person to mark this question as interesting!Email Comment (0) SaveAdd to private WatchlistSave to Yahoo! Bookmarks Add to My Yahoo! Add to RSS There are currently no comments for this question.* You must be logged into Answers to add comments. Sign in or Register.Other Answers (3) Show: All Answers Oldest to Newest Newest to Oldest Rated Highest to Lowest
by Mike
Member since: May 28, 2007 Total points: 75769 (Level 7) Badge Image:
Contributing In: Law & Ethics Politics Add to My Contacts Block User To stop Global Warming we need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions world wide to less than one tenth of what they are today.To accomplish that, we would need to shut down all of the economies of the world and return to a rather primitive hunter gatherer existence.This is not realistic.More recycling, buying hybrid cars, and buying cfls and all of the other things that are often proposed for people to do to reduce their carbon footprint will not get you anywhere close to the reductions that you need in carbon dioxide emissions to stop Global Warming.Essentially Global Warming is part of our modern existence.Fortunately we can mitigate the effects of Global Warming if we start now.The sea levels will rise. Fortunately the coastal areas can be protected with dike systems similar to those in Holland that are used to hold back the sea.Hurricanes will become stronger and more frequent. We will need to help the affected countries upgrade their disaster preparedness systems.Droughts will become more frequent.. We will need to help the affected areas with supplemental water supplies and desalination plants.We cannot stop or prevent Global Warming, but we can mitigate the effects of Global Warming at reasonable cost if we start now.2 years ago 29% 2 Votes0 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse
by Miki Member since: April 05, 2007 Total points: 1936 (Level 3) Add to My Contacts Block User possiamo fare soltanto una piccola parte ma insieme fa TANTO2 years ago 14% 1 Vote0 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse
by Marcello Moschen, italian singer Member since: July 16, 2007 Total points: 105 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User WE MUST WAKE UP FOR THIS PROBLEM SOONER, BEFORE IT MUST BE TOO LATE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!MARCELLO MOSCHEN, ITALIAN SINGER, ROME.Source(s):MARCELLO MOSCHEN MUSIC & ART FOUNDATION.MODENA - ROME - ITALIA.2 years ago 0% 0 Votes0 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Open Questions in Global Warmingare we winning the battle to fighting global warming or climate change? What are some ideas on how to go green ? Does it really matter if global warming is real? Do you believe in 'Climate Change'? Resolved Questions in Global WarmingWhy do Obama and family have to wear coats in the middle of summer? Stop cuting down trees and global warming will stop? What would happen to global temperatures if we stopped all CO2 emissions? Veiws on Global Warming?