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$399 iPads at T.J. Maxx: Black Friday Alert

Discount retailerreportedly has 16GB WiFi iPads in stock--and they're giving them away for $399. that a tipster named Aaron discovered Apple's prized tablet selling for $100 off the asking price at a T.J. Maxx in Vernon, New York. Engadget says that it called some other T.J. Maxx's across the country and found a few stores with iPads in stock--Ohio and New Jersey included--while other outlets reported no such deal. At least one store said they'd be holding back their stock for Black Friday, so you don't necessarily have to rush out to your local T.J. Maxx right this second. Quantities are, obviously, limited (one of the pictures the tipster sent in shows just seven iPads lined up behind the register), but otherwise it looks like the real deal.The iPad isthis year--after all, it is the , ever--and while T.J. Maxx's deal sounds pretty good, it may not be better than Apple's Black Friday deal ( between 25 and 30 percent off of Macs and iPods, although we have no idea where the iPad stands).Still, if you're lucky enough to pick up an iPad from T.J. Maxx for $399, good for you--and let us know how it works! (Hey, most of the clothes I buy from T.J. Maxx have something off about them...I'm definitely curious to see if this is the case with the iPads.)Follow Sarah on Twitter (@) or atandon Twitter.Nile (Sucker DJ) music.Live at Radio1 Big Weekend Dundee (14 may 2006) mp3 downloads.Sleep Walking download mp3 albums.Shiva Space Japan 001 song.8 Point Agenda (vinyl) mp3 downloads