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"Live Wire" tops best-sellers list

Post n°25 pubblicato il 01 Aprile 2011 da mdouahfibs

"Live Wire" jumped to the top of the Publishers Weekly best-sellers list on Thursday.

The list is compiled from data from independent and chain bookstores, book wholesalers and independent distributors nationwide.

Hardcover fiction Last Week

1. "Live Wire" by Harlan Coben. - (Dutton, $27.95)

2. "Toys" by James Patterson & Dennis McMahon (Little, Brown, $26.95) 1

3. "Sing You Home" by Jodi Picoult (Atria, $28) 2

4. "Night Road" by Kristin Hannah (St. Martin's, $27.99) -

5. "The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party" by Alexander McCall Smith (Pantheon, $24.95) -

6. "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" by Stieg Larsson (Knopf, $27.95) 5

7. "The Jungle" by Clive Cussler with Jack Du Brul (Putnam, $27.95) 3

8. "A Lesson in Secrets" by Jacqueline Winspear (Harper, $25.99) -

9. "Cold Wind" by C.J. Box (Putnam, $25.95) -

10. "Breaking the Rules" by Suzanne Brockmann -

Hardcover Nonfiction

1."Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand (Random House, $27) 3

2. "The 17 Day Diet" by Dr. Mike Moreno (Free Press, $25) 2

3. "The Social Animal" by David Brooks (Random House, $27) 7

4. "Red" by Sammy Hagar with Joel Selvin (It Books, $26.99) 1

5. "Love Wins" by Rob Bell (HarperOne, $22.99) 4

6. "Moonwalking with Einstein" by Joshua Foer (Penguin Press, $26.95) 6

7. "The Money Class" by Suze Orman (Spiegel & Grau, $26) 5

8. "Unfamiliar Fishes" by Sarah Vowell (Riverhead, $25.95) -

9. "Physics of the Future" by Michio Kaku (Doubleday, $28.95) 9

10. "The Entrepreneur Equation" by Carol Roth BenBella, $24.95 -

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Snagging Robert Gibbs could pump up Facebooks D.C. credentials

Post n°24 pubblicato il 30 Marzo 2011 da mdouahfibs

s Andrew Ross Sorkin on Sunday. We don’t know if or when it will happen, as both parties are playing coy, or for how much. What we do know is that snagging Gibbs would make Facebook’s D.C. team one of the best in the tech industry.

While Obama’s anti-lobbying rule doesn’t prohibit Gibbs from bending his former boss’s ear about privacy policy, anti-trust issues, net neutrality, and bullying, all of which affect Facebook, etiquette certainly does. Few things appear quite as bad as having a former high-ranking official running back and forth between his public-servant brethren and his private sector pay masters.

Practically, however, Gibbs could lobby for Facebook without ever calling it that.

“If you’re not registered to lobby, you can’t be a lobbyist,”in 2009. At the time, critics were hitting Obama for nominating Tom Daschle to head HHS. Obama had promised not to hire any lobbyists to work at the top of his administration, and Daschle’s activities on behalf of education groups and health-care interests “smelled and tasted” a lot like lobbying, wrote TIME’s Michael Scherer.

But ultimately, it’s the act of registering–not quacking, waddling, or hocking insurance–that makes one a lobbyist.

According to theavailable on the House website, Gibbs would have to spend 20% or more of his work week at Facebook “preparing or planning activities, research and other background work that is intended, at the time of its preparation, for use in contacts and coordination with the lobbying activities of others.” He’d also have to be in semi-regular contact with two or more high-ranking members of the Obama White House or a federal agency.

The language of the Lobbying Disclosure Act is broad and loose enough that if Gibbs did only one or two of the above, he could legitimately skirt the act’s rules. And even if he fit them to a T, he (or Facebook) could also pull a Daschle and say his activities didn’t actually count as lobbying.

That would make Gibbs a lot like the Obama alumna currently working for chief of staff for the White House National Economic Council last year to join Facebook as vice president for global public policy. In her role on the public policy team, Levine works with Public Policy Director(formerly of the ACLU) and Associate Manager for Privacy and Global Public Policy(formerly a communications director for Rep. Louise Slaughter). These men were the only two Facebook employees who officially lobbied on behalf of the company in 2010. Despite working alongside them, Levine is not registered to lobby.

According to Sorkin, Gibbs is said to be considering a leadership role with Facebook’s communications team. That would put him in a different department than the company’s two registered lobbyists, but it would be in keeping with K Street residents’ attempts to call themselves anything but lobbyists, including “communications experts.”

When Gibbs left the Obama Administration earlier this year, he promised he wouldn’t be gone from the president’s side for long. If he took a job with Facebook in the near future, the company would have a guaranteed year of access to the FTC, the FCC, Senate leadership, and the White House, but that would keep Gibbs away from Pres. Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, which he’s pledged to help.

According to, Facebook$200,000 on official lobbying in 2009, and nearly $400,000 in 2010.

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Exploded Star's 'Stripes' Hold Clue to Cosmic Mystery

Post n°23 pubblicato il 30 Marzo 2011 da mdouahfibs
Tag: social

stripes" in the remains of an exploded star may help astronomers learn how some of the highest-energy particles in our galaxy reach their incredible speeds, a new study suggests.

NASA'sspacecraft detected a suprisingly regular pattern of X-rays in a well-known supernova remnant called Tycho. The new observations provide the first direct evidence that a cosmic event can rocket particles to energies 100 times higher than those achieved by Earth's most powerful accelerators, researchers said.

The find may also help scientists figure out how some of those super-speedy particles — which are known as cosmic rays, and constantly bombard Earth— are produced, they added.

"We’ve seen lots of intriguing structures in supernova remnants, but we’ve never seen stripes before," said study leader Kristoffer Eriksen of Rutgers University in a statement. "This made us think very hard about what’s happening in the blast wave of this powerful explosion." []

Staring at an exploded star

Theremnantis located in our own Milky Way galaxy, about 13,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia.

It's named for the , who reported observing the supernova in 1572. The event likely occurred when a white dwarf star grew so much in mass that it eventually exploded in a so-called Type Ia supernova, researchers said.

Chandra peered at the supernova remnant for more than 200 hours back in 2009. Over these extended observations, the spacecraft picked up some strange X-ray stripes in Tycho.

These stripes provide support for a theory about how exploding starsto incredible energies, researchers said.

A supernova shock wave

When a star explodes, it creates a fast-moving shock wave that spreads through space. High-energy charged particles — such as protons and electrons — can bounce back and forth across this shock wave repeatedly, gaining energy with each crossing.

One theory predicts that, near this ever-expanding shock wave, magnetic fields become highly tangled and the motions of the charged particles extremely chaotic. This creates a messy network of X-rays, with some "holes" of little emission and some "walls" with lots of the stuff.

Researchers think Tycho's stripes are evidence that this is happening.

The stripes are likely the "walls" of theory — regions where the magnetic fields are more tangled than surrounding areas, and where particle movement is more turbulent. In these areas, protons and electrons become trapped and spiral around the magnetic field lines; the electrons emit lots of X-rays in the process, researchers said.

However, the regular and almost periodic pattern of the X-ray stripes was unexpected. It wasn't predicted by theory, researchers said.

"It was a big surprise to find such a neatly arranged set of stripes,"said co-author Jack Hughes of Rutgers. "We were not expecting so much order to appear in so much chaos. It could mean that the theory is incomplete, or that there’s something else we don’t understand."

The researchers published their results last month in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Spawning speedy cosmic rays

The stripes could also help researchers understand how some of the highest-energy cosmic rays— which are mostly protons — are spawned. []

The spacing of the X-ray stripes likely indicates proton energies about 100 times higher than those reached in Earth's most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider — and they're equivalent to the highest-energy cosmic rays thought to be produced in our galaxy, researchers said.

That result also supports previous theory, as supernova remnants have long been considered a good candidate for producing the Milky Way's most energetic cosmic rays.

Protons can reach energies hundreds of times higher than the highest-energy electrons, but since they do not radiate X-rays efficiently like electrons do, direct evidence for the acceleration of cosmic ray protons in supernova remnants has been lacking, researchers said.

The new results also support the prediction that magnetic fields in interstellar space are greatly amplified in supernova remnants. The difference between the observed and predicted structures, however, means that other interpretations cannot be ruled out.

"We were excited to discover these stripes because they might allow us to directly track, for the first time, the origin of the most energetic particles produced in our galaxy,"Eriksen said. "But we’re not claiming victory yet."

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"G.I. Joe" sequel narrowing in on director

Post n°22 pubblicato il 18 Febbraio 2011 da mdouahfibs

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – Directors F. Gary Gray and Jon M. Chu are looking like the hot candidates to direct Paramount Pictures' "G.I. Joe" sequel.

The franchise follow-up is a high-priority project for the studio, which hopes to have production underway by June for a 2012 release.

Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura has met with a number of directors in recent days, including Gray, Chu and "Unknown" director Jaume Collet-Serra. Paramount execs will commence their talks this week.

Chu, of course, is no stranger on the studio lot, having directed "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never," which opened to $29.5 million last weekend. Before that, he directed two installments in Disney's "Step Up" dance franchise.

For that matter, neither is Gray, who directed "The Italian Job" for Paramount to $168 million worldwide in 2003. He was last in theaters with the 2009 action thriller "Law Abiding Citizen."

Released in August 2009, "G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra" grossed $150.2 million domestically and $152.3 million internationally for a total of $302.5 million worldwide.

"Cobra" was directed by Stephen Sommers, who previously announced he wouldn't be returning to the franchise.

(Editing by Zorianna Kit)

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N.Korean defects to South amid Kim Jong-il festivities

Post n°21 pubblicato il 18 Febbraio 2011 da mdouahfibs

SEOUL (Reuters) – A North Korean has walked across the heavily mined border into South Korea, but few of his fellow citizens will hear of the rare defection amid choreographed celebrations for "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-il's birthday.

Military and spy agency officials could not explain how the man managed to walk across the 4-km (2.5-mile) wide minefield and past North Korean guards.

He was being interrogated by authorities after being picked up by South Korean guards late on Tuesday, an official said.

The Demilitarized Zone border that has divided the Korean peninsula since the end of the 1950-53 conflict has been rarely traveled, except through two corridors cleared for passage by officials and civilians after ties warmed beginning in 2000.

Hundreds of North Koreans flee the impoverished country each year across its northern border with China and most make their way to the South, with more than 20,000 having found refuge in the wealthy capitalist neighbor.

Most cite economic hardship and political persecution as the main reasons for leaving home.

While defections are cause for deep embarrassment for the North Korean authorities, the country's masses do not hear or read about such acts as the media is state controlled and used exclusively for propaganda.

On Wednesday, North Koreans celebrated the country's biggest holiday to mark the 69th birthday of Kim Jong-il, the isolated state's reclusive and ailing leader who is trying to smooth the path for a third generation of family rule.

Kim's youngest son Jong-un, in his late 20s, has been identified to succeed him, and was last year appointed to senior military and political posts, along with Kim's sister and husband, who are widely seen as key caretakers for the hand-over.

Jong-un has been named vice chairman of the powerful National Defense Commission, which his father heads as state leader, South Korea's Chosun Ilbo daily quoted a source who is familiar with the North as saying. South Korean officials could not confirm it.

The move could give the junior Kim additional credentials to take over power in a society that values seniority and official titles but analysts say no public post carries as much weight as being the current leader's son and hand-picked successor.

Kim Jong-il is believed to have suffered a stroke in 2008 and was away from public view for months. He was frail and gaunt when he reappeared months later, although last year he twice traveled to China and visited dozens of factories and military sites at home.

The North has becoming increasingly hostile to its southern neighbor over the past two years, and has conducted nuclear and missile tests, staged military attacks and revealed advances in its nuclear programme.

Analysts say Kim Jong-il uses these acts to boost his own, well as his son's image as iron rulers.


Staged festivities are scheduled throughout the week, including exhibitions of Kimjongilia, a hybrid flower named after the leader, as well as ice-skating, acrobatics and musical shows.

The capital's streets were festooned with lanterns, state news agency KCNA reported.

"The venues of the events are pervaded with deep trust in Kim Jong-il who has led the Korean revolution only to victory, true to the will of President Kim Il-sung," KCNA reported, referring to his father and the state's founder.

In the South, politicians released balloons with anti-Pyongyang messages across the border, while in the capital, Seoul, protesters burned posters of Kim Jong-il and his son.

Meanwhile, Kim's second son and the older brother of the heir apparent was seen at a concert by British guitarist Eric Clapton in Singapore and may also have been shopping for gifts for his father, South Korean media said.

Jong-chul was an early favorite to succeed his father but has since lost out to his younger sibling.

(Editing by Jeremy Laurence and Miral Fahmy)

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