Melamente assorto

Le invasioni pardariche

"Problemi? Quali problemi?" Negare, negare sempre e comunque. Negare di fronte ad ogni addebito, negare perfino l'evidenza. Cosi' recita il primo comandamento della bibbia dello zelota appliano (e non solo della sua) e leopardiano in particolare. E, nonostante i segni ovunque presenti e ricorrenti del declino dell'impero jobbiano, nonostante il pervasivo e persistente sentore di decadenza che aleggia tutto intorno alla mela di Cupertino e al nuovo sistema operativo, rilasciato da poco piu' di due mesi, il nostro dovere di tifosi-supporters va fatto fino in fondo, accada quel che accada. Sorridete percio', the show must go on. E come cantava Fracchia qualche eone fa: facciamo finta che.. tutto va ben.
Eccovi la spaventosa lista dei bug ufficialmente riconosciuti cui cerchera' di porre rimedio il prossimo aggiornamento, da oltre 400mb, di Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.2:- Border now draws correctly when 2-up printing- Preview Image and scrolling horizontally with keys- CFNetwork and Proxy error messages- NTFS Volume and System UIServer fix- DVDPlayback and second display hookup- Preview PDF and Mail Document fix- Resolved tabbing issue with PDFView- Fixed issue with Time Machine Preferences- Icon Services and file attachments- Time Machine and resumed backups- Images captured in tethered mode fixed- CoreAudio Toolbox and EstAudioFileRead- ImageCapture and file creation- SharedFileLists and SMB guest issue resolved- BackupCore and backup preparation- Japanese localization and CUPS- NSTextView and scroll bar thumb scrolling direction- SMB File Server and name resolving order- CFNetwork and Windows proxy ISA server fix- Fixed deinterlacing issue with DVDPlayback- CoreData Framework and NSFetchRequest- AD DS Plug-in- HLTB Menus- Memory leak with Rosetta- and customized menu commands- AirPort shared printer fix- Disk Utility and FAT32- HFS and allocated space- Fix to Process Manager and VISE- NSNavigationServices and NavServices from a Cocoa application fix- Reprinting Hold jobs and CUPS- Fixed issue with Text Input Sources- Mail Message Body Display issues with certain font types- DAVKit and iCal redirects- Calendar Store Framework and CalRecurrenceRule fix- CoreText Font and PUA unicode characters now work correctly- rsh jobs no longer waits for backgrounded processes to complete- Fixed issue HLTB and Finder- Fixed issue with AppleEvents- ImageIO preiew issue in Finder fixed- HIClock now accepts user entries- smb now handles "%" in password field- Fixed issue with CUPS and reverse page ordering- NSTableView and special keys now works correctly- AF_UNSPEC& null address Networking issue fixed- Resolved issue with Xquartz and CPU cycles- Fixed exception issue with KeyChainAccess- Quartz Composer no longer brings up an error when saving a composition- Fixed ScreenCapture issue- Addressed issue with Web Content Filter and Parental Controls- CUPS no longer prints a blank page when 2-up print setting is selected- CoreData Framework fix to XML data creation- Fixed Quick Look plug-in loading issue- Mail to iCal Data Detectors now work correctly- Fixed issue with Finder and column view- Core Audio fix now allows empty m4a files to behave correctly- Fixed horizontal scroll issue with Finder and Spotlight- Fixed iChat audio issue with fast user switching- Core Data apps now save correctly when no document changes have been made- Fixed issue with Firewall customization settings- Fixed Active Directory binding issue- NSTable View -selectAll setting now works correctly- HLTB Dyhmanic Menus now behave correctly- Resolved issue with HIImageView- Fixed issue with ATSCreateFontQueryRunLoopSource- Mail now treats flags correctly- Fixed day selection issue with NSDatePicker- Invalid RR queries problem now resolved- Input issue with NSTokenField fixed- Archive & Install problem with Sync Services Translators resolved- Fixed Spotlight issue with arithmetic expressions- Fixed problem with Podcast Producer and Wiki running via SSL- HLTB ApplyTHemeBackground memory leak fixed- Fixed Numbers printing issue with CoreGraphics- Fixed permissions problem with NFS- NSManagedObject now implements dictionaryWithValuesForKeys correctly- Fixed memory leak in CoreData Framework- Bitmap-only fonts now work correctly in QuickDraw- Issue with MusicSequenceSaveSMFData fixed- SMB File Server reboot issue resolved- Fixed issue where running a MAC application from a NTFS volume may not work correctly- NSXMLNSNumberTransformerName now handles NSDecimalNumbers correctly- Addressed issue with ToDo recurrences and iCal Synchronization- Issue with NSNavigationServices and kNavCBTerminate resolved- Fix to AppKit and popup menus- CTFontCreateCopyWithFamily() now works correctly- Fixed issue with Tamil IM- Networking issue with records over sockets fixed- HIShape symbols in HLTB fixed- Fixed window flicker issue with PrintManager- NSArrayController and Lazy Fetching issue resolved- Save PDF to Web Receipts Folder now works correctly when there's a / in the title- Fixed issue with "Find Next" and the spelling panel- Issue with NSTreeController resolved- Resolved issue with local SOCKS proxy and iChat- Logged iChats now open quickly