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SOUTH AFRICA: Oscar Pistorius again before the judges

  Oscar Pistorius is back in court. The wheelchair champion suspected of killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on the day of Valentine's Day, Tuesday, June 4 appear for a hearing should be quickly adjourned at the request of the prosecution. The prosecution asked for more time to refine its investigation and defense of the rider has agreed in principle. The judge should give a reference. Multiple Para Olympic champion, who caused a sensation by becoming the first double amputee to participate in the Olympic Games in London valid-2012, has never denied having killed the Reeva Steenkamp mannequin several shots in the night of February 13 to 14. But he said since day one that this is a horrible mistake. He thought he heard burglars in his house at night and he fired through the closed bathroom door in panic. He assured that he did not know Reeva Steenkamp had risen to the toilet. The prosecution, during the preliminary hearings in February, has instead tried to prove that Pistorius knew perfectly well who was the victim. And that the shots were following an argument the couple in the evening. An army defense Pistorius is defended by some of the biggest names in South African bar, the old veterans of the courtroom Oldwage Kenny and Barry Roux. "We are ready for this hearing, I have no doubt it will be brief, just a postponement," said Mr. Oldwage. Through its team of lawyers, multiple Paralympic champion however managed to keep hold until now. In March, Barry Roux has also successfully obtained a noticeable relaxation of bail: Pistorius has actually recovered almost freedom of movement, including obtaining permission to travel outside the country or consume the alcohol normally. The athlete must meet homicide what happens, but if its proponents can demonstrate that it is indeed a mistake, the penalty and the sentence could be much lighter than in the case of the murder of his girlfriend.  "Oscar sleep well" Meanwhile, his supporters have issued many press suggestive Oscar Pistorius shattered by grief. "Oscar sleeps badly. It goes wrong, "he also said his manager Peet van Zyl, quoted by the German weekly Der Spiegel:" Some days, it's okay, and other days, it's terrible. When I talk to him, he listens to me more or less, but I do not put pressure. It is not there. He cries often. " On Friday, a television broadcast images of the scene: it shows the bloody toilet and the door, riddled with bullet holes deadly. The family said she was "shocked" by spreading "these graphic images that have been leaked into the public domain." The drama has stopped dead career. Pistorius has waived any competition this year, sponsors have dropped, Nike and Clarins, and the case also revealed hidden facets of his personality the public who admired him for his tenacity and glamor he brought to Para button. It was found that Oscar Pistorius was macho, temperamental and obsessed with guns. With news