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ISRAEL: The Israeli army revived hourly War Six Days on Twitter

  Forty-six years after the Six-Day War, the Israeli army has decided to immerse users in the past through Twitter. On a dedicated account especially the conflict @ IDF1967, messages in Hebrew revive in real time what flash conflict between the 5 to 10 June 1967 Israel & rsquo , Egypt, Jordan and Syria. "In response to repeated provocations of Egypt, the State of Israel and the army entered the war. We will not sit idly by while the enemy forces tighten the noose around our necks, "could be read in the first tweet posted on June 5. Hour by hour, this account tells the story of the war which ended in a defeat of the Arab countries and the occupation by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Arab Jerusalem. Photos and videos from the era are also available online. It finds pictures of Yitzhak Rabin, who was then Chief of Staff of the IDF. "There is the old media and there is Twitter. Forty-six years after the outbreak of the Six-Day War, we replay this great war, "said another Twitter message. IDF fan of social networking For Amnon Aran, a political science professor at the University of London, this initiative of the IDF is not new. "The Israeli army uses the Internet extensively. She has done against Hamas, "said FRANCE 24 that specializes in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, referring to the operation against Gaza by Israel in November 2012. The army of the Jewish state was then extensively used social networks to communicate in real time on the offensive against Hamas. But unlike the virtual campaign last fall, the new operation does not have an international focus. For Amnon Aran, Israel seeks above all to mark the anniversary of the conflict "to reaffirm glorify the war in Israeli society. This is for those who want to remember this victory. " As proof, the IDF uses only Hebrew on this Twitter account. "If they wanted to make propaganda, they would have chosen English. This is ultimately neither neutral nor propaganda. This addresses the Israeli collective memory in the first place, "said the researcher. IDF also reveals no new information on the conflict or documents kept secret. "These are things that can be found in books or academic work, notes and Amnon Aran, who carefully read the published since June 5 messages. These are mainly military facts. They do not talk about politics. " This Twitter account is registered in any case in a series of popular initiatives to revive history in real time. Since August 2011, the account @ RealTimeWWII, attended by more than 280,000 subscribers, recounts the events of the Second World War. @ TitanicRealTime, which counts more than 70,000 users, was also allowed to live until April last minute by minute the sinking of the famous ocean liner in 1912.