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FRANCE: Far right: dissolution of "Third Way" and "JNR"

  The extreme right "Third Way" groups and "revolutionary nationalist Youth" (JNR) and the association "Want to dream", which manages the "Local" an establishment where joined by activists Third Way in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, were dissolved by decree of the Council of Ministers, Wednesday, July 10, at the proposal of the Minister of the Inte , Interior, Manuel Valls. This is the spokesman of the government, Najat Belkacem-Vallaud, who announced, indicating that these three structures, which are among the supporters involved in the death of young left-wing activist Key ment Meric, "had the characteristics of private militias" inciting "discrimination and hatred."  Serge Ayoub, leader of "Third Way" and JNR, immediately announced that he would attack the decree before the Council of State to cancel it for "abuse of power". "Of course, there will be a remedy for abuses of power. There are seven specific criteria in Article L212-1 "code of Homeland Security, which allow the dissolution of a group" and we're not in it, "he said. Self-dissolution Serge Ayoub, alias "Batskin", the former head of skinheads Paris, also intends to file a "petition for freedom" to justice for "the suspension of the dice decree "and its application" until the State Council shall decide. " Yet he had himself announced June 25 the self-dissolution of the "Third Way" and JNR, in the crosshairs of the government after the tragic brawl June 5 in Paris between skinheads of far right and far left activists, in which a young anti-fascist, Clement Meric had died. The five indicted in the case are members or supporters of Third Way, like the principal in question, Esteban Morillo, 20. According to Serge Ayoub, contrary to what the government, "none of the writings of Third Way does incite racial hatred" and "JNR are not a private militia, c is a serial "service. "This decision is political. It is in fact the prince, "he complained. With news