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ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT: Israel announces the release of Palestinian prisoners

  Israela agreed Saturday to release Palestinian prisoners, an old Palestinian demand which is today a first step in the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue, the stop since 2010. "There will be a limited release of prisoners" Palestinian, told public radio the Minister of International Relations and Information, Yuval Steinitz, without specifying the number of prisoners concerned. He said that some of them have spent up to 30 years in GEO , Israeli. Mr. Steinitz did not say when the release would take place, but said that 'they would "step in". "It will be undoubtedly a strong gesture," he added. The gesture of the Jewish state comes after the announcement by the Secretary of U.S. State John Kerry that Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will visit Washington shortly after a tentative agreement paving the way for direct negotiations, absent for three years. According to the advocacy group Human Rights B'Tselem, 4,713 Palestinians are held Israel, of which 169 are in administrative detention, a procedure that keeps them imprisoned without charge indefinitely renewable periods of six months. Direct talks between Palestinians and Israelis had completely stopped in September 2010 when Israela refused maintain a partial freeze on settlement construction in the occupied Palestinian territories. With news