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WikiLeaks: Assange condemns verdict against Private Manning

  He wished to openly stand up for "the most important journalistic source that the world has ever seen." The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, was sentenced Tuesday, July 30 in the evening, the verdict of a military court against the soldier Bradley Manning behind the largest leak of confidential documents of the American history. Assange - holed up in the embassy of Ecuador in London for more than a year in order to escape a possible extradition to Sweden where justice intends to pursue two cases of alleged sexual assault, has accused Barack Obama of fish with "extremism" in national security. According to him, the soldier did not receive a fair trial. "This is a dangerous precedent and an example of extremism in matters of national security. It is a judgment that lack of foresight, which is intolerable and must be broken, "he said. Bradley Manning, who was convicted Tuesday of espionage but not "collusion with the enemy," was provided to WikiLeaks hundreds of thousands of confidential documents while employed as an analyst subordinate place in Iraq. He was convicted of five counts of espionage and 14 other charges. He faces a prison sentence of up to 136 years in prison. The severity of the sentence appears as a warning to the whistleblowers, critical to the survival of the organization of Julian Assange. "In 2008, Barack Obama, then a presidential candidate, campaigned on a program praising the fact to alert the public as an act of courage and patriotism," said Assange. "This program has been completely betrayed by the actions of Barack Obama," he said . WikiLeaks founder could also fall within the scope of extradition to the United States to address matters involving Bradley Manning. With news