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FRANCE: Muslims gathered near Lyon denounce the "rising Islamophobia"

  Following the announcement of the arrest of a soldier close to the extreme right was preparing an attack against the mosque El Forkane Venissieux, near Lyon, about 150 Muslims Monday, August 12 gathered outside the building to denounce "the rising Islamophobia." Gathered in a quiet grave, Muslims present Monday night said they were worried about the "rise of Islamophobia." "This man was a deliberate killing," responded the rector of the Grand Mosque of Lyon, Kamel Kabtane "was exceeded verbal Islamophobia" . "Veiled women do not dare go out" "Muslims are afraid today, veiled women do not dare go out, it reminds us of the situation of the Jews in the 30s," he told Abdelaziz Chaambi, coordination against racism and Islamophobia, to many journalists. "Nothing tells us that it will not happen again," he added. Young veiled woman Mariem member of collective struggle against Islamophobia in France, noted "a succession of acts against Muslims" in recent years. For her, "the violence escalate." The excitement quickly gave way to criticism. "We have repeatedly warned the government, we requested meetings, committees, and each time we received a categorical refusal" is still indignant Abdelaziz Chaambi. Concluding his speech on the steps of the mosque, Kamel Kabtane, for his part, regretted that "no responsible at national level n [has] taken the position that s [e , was] past. " "Mr. Valls will not recognize Islamophobia," he complained. "In the district 93% of people voted Holland, but I promise you that if there is no serious measures are taken [...], and although they no longer have the voice Muslims! " "The sickening about" The PCF mayor of Venissieux, Michèle Picard, blasted Monday morning "nauseating about nationalist leaders who flooded the social networks of their hatred," citing Alexander Gabriac whose extreme movement I radical right "nationalist Youth" was dissolved on July 24 presidential decree. On his Twitter account, it wrote between Sunday night and Monday: "The government wanted to dissolve us? It takes its responsibilities to isolated acts of legitimate anger that we can not control. "  With news