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Homosexuality, abortion: "The Church is left trapped in the precepts," the pope

  The interview lasted six hours. Just six months after his election, Pope Francis has long entrusted to the Director of the Italian Jesuit magazine "Civilta Cattolica" on his personality but also his conception of the Church and its manner of conducting the necessary reforms. A delicate exercise which his predecessor, Benedict XVI was risky after several years of pontificate. Behind his very spiritual approach seems to hide a truly innovative and realistic speech. Exit the controversy over homosexuality, condoms and abortion: Jorge Bergoglio wants to be the Pope of appeasement, tolerance. "The Church is sometimes left locked in small things, small precepts. [...] The ministers of the Church should be foremost ministers of mercy, "he said, arguing that the first reform of the Church should focus on "our way of being," not on making "structural or organizational." According to him, homosexuals and divorced now must be "accompanied" "compassion" and "from their actual living conditions." "Always consider the person," said he still felt. Looking for a "new balance" While the Conservatives have him in his own words, criticized for not sufficiently address some social issues, the pontiff maintained his course: "We can not focus only on issues abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This is not possible. The mind of the Church, we know, and I am the son of the Church, but it is not necessary to speak at all times. "For him, trying to "insistently impose a multitude of doctrines disjointed" leads nowhere. It calls for "a new balance" to avoid "the moral edifice of the Church collapses like a house of cards." ... ..... He continued: "The thing most needed the Church today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the heart of the faithful, proximity, usability ". First Jesuit pontiff in history, he compares the Church to "a field hospital after a battle" where it would be "useless to ask a serious injury s' He cholesterol or if his blood sugar is too high! We need to heal the wounds. Then we can deal with the rest. " "The feminine genius is needed" François Pope also addressed the topic of gender equality, which he is sorely lacking in today's Church. "It is necessary to enlarge the space for a more incisive presence of women in the Church. [...] The feminine genius is needed where to take important decisions, "he said. For Dominique Greiner, a columnist at The Cross, the first interview is indicative of a new direction that could take the church. "The pope wants rather bold Christians who are doing the 'periphery of existence', where life is fragile and human dignity violated. Where provoked, biased itself, the Church will show a new "creativity, he wrote. End of July, on the occasion of World Youth Day, the Pope had already shown its opening in declaring about homosexuals: "Who am I to judge gays seeking the Lord? "