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MALI: Clash between the Malian army and the MNLA in the Gao region

  Peace is fragile in northern Mali. Friday, November 8, a confrontation broke out between Tuareg rebel fighters of the National Liberation Movement of Azawad (MNLA) to soldiers of the Malian army and the Niger Minusma, the strength of UN Mali. The exchange of fire took place on the site of the weekly fair Egazargane in the Gao region between Menaka and the Nigerian border. Calm has returned since. The versions differ Friday, a Malian military official said MNLA men attacked a joint patrol of the Malian army and Minusma. "They fired first. The patrol only respond, "explained the official told Reuters. The Malian Defense Ministry also spoke of "taking part in" a patrol of the Malian armed forces by "armed bandits" - without giving further pre decisions about their identity - of which three were killed and four wounded, while a Malian soldier was wounded. The Malian army also states have seized weapons, ammunition and vehicles. The MNLA, for his part, acknowledges having lost three men, but added that two Malians were killed, "a regular soldier and a militiaman." Olivier Salgado, spokesman for the Minusma, confirmed the attack and spoke of "at least one death on the side of MNLA". He said that the French military and UN peacekeepers were in the village at the beginning of the collision, and it is impossible to separate the two versions of the case. The MNLA accused Malian army have executed three civilians In a statement released Saturday morning, the MNLA also accuses the Malian army had "executed" three civilians in the same area of ​​north-eastern Mali. "A column of the Malian army arrested, sequestration and execution of several civilians in the area of ​​Menaka in Ghezraghen" pre the precise statement. The MNLA has published a list of six individuals, three of whom were arrested and "executed" by the army, and three other "tortured and gary tively injured. " But it does not specify under what circumstances the violence occurred, or how he got this information, not mentioning the possible intervention of men MNLA. These events occur within a week after the abduction and murder of two special envoys RFI Kidal (extreme north-eastern Mali), home MNLA, which still has to be gunmen. Murders that were claimed by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Malian and French investigators are actively seeking Abdelkrim al-Targa, a Tuareg suspected of having planned the operation. These developments could complicate the conduct of peace talks between the Malian authorities, the MNLA and another Tuareg armed group has its bases in the north discussions under an interim agreement they signed in June in Ouagadougou. With news