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The climate negotiations in Warsaw skate

  While the official closing date of the Warsaw summit on climate expired Friday, discussions continue Saturday, November 23, although negotiators from 195 countries have spent a sleepless night to snatch a compromise posing basis of the agreement of 2015. latter must be negotiated in Paris with entry into force in 2020, but for the moment, only a consensus was reached , on the protection of tropical forests . No concrete action has emerged from two weeks of discussions in the Polish capital. They focus on the accuracy of the roadmap for 2015, which clashes with the reluctance of some emerging countries, including China and India. Latter demanding treatment more flexible in the future agreement on reducing emissions of greenhouse gas emissions. In the final version of the text, which calls on states to "initiate or intensify their preparations for submitting commitments [...] and to communicate well in advance" and before Paris, some countries want to add: "by the first half of 2015 for those who are in a position to do so." Southern countries are demanding 100 billion per year The other two texts under discussion in Warsaw are "finalized" and waiting for a global agreement, according to AFP. They relate to financial assistance to countries of the South and the establishment of a mechanism on the "loss and damage" suffered by them because of global warming. Again, negotiators are struggling to get along. The developing countries insist on having insurance on mobilizing $ 100 billion per year by 2020 promised by rich countries. But the proposed text merely exhort "developed countries to continue to mobilize public money, at higher levels" to those using dice emergency , cidée in Copenhagen in 2009 for 2010-2012 is $ 10 billion per year. "On financial matters, there has been no progress," lamented Claudia Salerno, the representative of Venezuela. "This conference should be the conference finances," her told AFP negotiator Bangladesh, Chowdhury Qamrul side. "And all we have are peanuts," said he added. "The talks in Warsaw, which would have constituted a major step forward [...] are about to give birth to almost nothing," noted the principal Chinese negotiator Su Wei. On the eve of the expected completion of the work, some 800 representatives of 13 associations for the defense of the environment, including Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), have slammed the door on de , fighting in exasperation at the stalling debate. With AFP and Reuters news