
Lack of on-site disposal issues for police

 and mobile phones have also been shut down. After receiving the alarm, forensic   nike air max 1 cheap investigators immediately to a squadron, Korea Internet cafes, billiard halls and other places of residence around looking for could not be found. Investigators came to South Korea after a school information, a classmate said South Korea a better comparison, Han said this morning to six yin yaozi village within a hotel meeting with friends, but the hotel's specific name without telling her.Based on this clue, investigators immediately each of hotels in the region expanded investigation, when troubleshooting to "Xiang hotel",   the shopkeeper said after watching South Korea a photo of her in the room and opened the door. Investigators entered the room, found Korean some lying on the bed, sheets and bloodstains on the ground, a flight of 40 men in their thirties turned to inside the House, investigators down to the ground. Korean investigators be sent to hospital for medical treatment, trial and bring men back to the squadron.A man hole account, holes for the Baiyunkuang District people, in the spring of this year when Internet met South Korea, promised 17th meeting. Holes a Han Liu Hui confessed to a crime of rape.  At present, the hole was detained on suspicion of rape, the case is being further proceedings.Truth cheap nike air max tn of what? of Heyuan City Public Security Bureau issued a notice about due to inadequate policing, after reinforcements arrived, and reinforcement of the two police officer uniforms. Lack of on-site disposal issues for police officers, attaches, have been investigated, two policemen have also been suspended from duty pending investigation after clear, will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions. 0 days left, a pair of nude men and women falling from Hi-horse Brook garden upstairs, naked woman while falling,