A kind of magic

Rabbia repressa.

Have you ever been for sale ? when your isms get smart oh so selfish and mindless with that comment in your eye Carissimo essere umano formato mignon... Do you think that you are hard ? really harder than the other man you're acting cold if you are not in charge ...come ti sei permesso di farmi questo?!?!?! Don't split your mentality without thinking twice your voice has got no reason now is the time to face your lies ...me la pagherai cara... Open your eyes, open your mind proud like a god don't pretend to be blind trapped in yourself, break out instead beat the machine that works in your head ...fare il cascamorto con lei... Will you offer me some tricks if I ever need them would you go into that room if I call 'em ...proprio davanti a me... Do you think that you are better really better than the rest realize there's a problem I know that you can give your best ...per farmi capire che io per te non sono pił (o forse non lo sono mai stata) nessuno... Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances ...chi ti credi di esswere, microbo?!?!... Open your eyes, open your mind proud like a god don't pretend to be blind trapped in yourself, break out instead beat the machine that works in your head ...me la pagherai molto cara... Hide your face forever dream and search forever night and night you feel nothing there's no way outside of my land ...ogni tanto mi arrabbio anche io... Open your eyes, open your mind proud like a god don't pretend to be blind trapped in yourself, break out instead beat the machine that works in your head ....e non dimentico. P.S. Grazie ai Guano Apes x il sottofondo abbastanza cattivo...