
Training for New Data Center Management Software

One of the beautiful aspects of new age data center management is that many companies are now providing their clients with several options for DCIM training. For many managers who utilize old software and data center solutions, training for new ITAM solutions will be a must. Most companies offer three training options: On-site, virtual, and webinars. Of the three, on-site will certainly be the most beneficial for larger data centers. These on-site courses can range in time, anywhere from a few hours to a few days. The project managers will take you through the process of inventory, tracking, allocation, visualizing, presenting, and much more. One on ones are available as well as multiple larger meetings. However, the beauty of this software is the simplicity of how it works, and during a one-time info session most IT managers will be ready to go with their new software.One of the key features of the IT Infrastructure management software is what the techies call "Cable & Connectivity". The primary focus of this strategic planning software is that it gives IT managers the ability to track their data center assets virtually. If an asset is plugged into the network, whether it is in Boston or Hong Kong, you can learn a whole bunch of info about the item. You will see streaming inventory updates, energy usage, allocation changes, and projected cooling and heating requirements into the future. The capabilities are endless. And during any of the 3 primary training sessions, you will learn the intricacies of your particular software. When you are deploying a new data center software, the company will often come to your office or warehouse and run a complete asset location. They will input item numbers, ID`s, locations and more. Afterwards you will be given a complete head to toe training of the software! In order for many people to understand how DCIM software is utilized by companies, it is important for the people to receive data center management training from the company that is supplying the software.