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People magazine says Ryan Reynolds is sexiest man

NEW YORK – Can life get much better for Ryan Reynolds? After all, he's married to Scarlett Johansson.Oh, yes it can. People magazine has bestowed its "sexiest man alive" title on the 34-year-old actor.Reynolds is about to star on-screen as the Green Lantern. The Canadian native told People: "The sexiest thing about Canadians is that there's an inherent ability to be self-deprecating. That has served me well in my career and personal life."It's the 25th anniversary of People's first sexiest man — Mel Gibson. Others given the title include John F. Kennedy Jr., Harrison Ford and Richard Gere. George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp have won it twice.People announced its 2010 list on Wednesday.___Online:Heated mp3 albums.Download Muthafukkin Hardthang (Ultra Brutale) mp3 album.Pure Nujazz download mp3 albums.Download Good Morning mp3.Download Wallace and Gromit mp3 album