
Solo x te amore mio ...

Grazie per la fantastica giornata e nottata trascorsa insieme .. ti amo tanto ..ti dedico le parole della nostra canzone , quella che ci ha fatto conoscere e che scandisce ogni attimo della nostra emozionante avventura .. insieme .. If you leave me now, youll take away the biggest part of me No baby please dont go If you leave me now, youll take away the very heart of me No baby please dont go A love like ours is love thats hard to find How could we let it slip away Weve come too far to leave it all behind How could we end it all this way When tomorrow comes well both regret Things we said today A love like ours is love thats hard to find How could we let it slip away Weve come too far to leave it all behind How could we end it all this way When tomorrow comes well both regret Things we said today If you leave me now, youll take away the biggest part of me No baby please dont go Oh girl, just got to have you by my side No baby, please dont go Oh mama, I just got to have your lovin, yeah Weve come too far to leave it all behind