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Tracy McGrady robert griffin iii jersey exposed China League final destination or in a last-ditch still wants America October 4, yesterday, the one who Tracy - Tracy McGrady shot over training video director, said on Twitter irreparably exposed Tracy McGrady will officially retire, causing widespread concern of fans around the world. Despite all of the once glorious moment of Tracy McGrady degenerated into such a situation sigh, but still can not change the team is willing to sign him without the facts. ESPN's reporter Chris - Broussard broke the news today, Tracy McGrady, and China is now the league's teams made contact, but he still preferred to remain in the NBA. Some time ago, there was news that China has for several teams are interested in signing Tracy McGrady, Tracy McGrady may retire when yesterday's news, the domestic media have confirmed the team and Tracy made contact, hoping to and this was the league's top players complete the contract. In this regard, Broussard said the league went to China to play Tracy McGrady is indeed one of the few choices, but compared to bid farewell to NBA, Tracy McGrady is more hope now I can continue to stay in the world's tallest basketball hall. To this end, McGrady past summer has been unremitting efforts with the New York Knicks during the trial, there were indications that Tracy McGrady had demonstrated very good condition. But for Tracy McGrady, you want to stay in the NBA is not easy. Previously most promising Knicks signed him now and veteran Rasheed - Wallace officially completed the signing, but Dez Bryant jersey as time goes on, the new season is almost dallas cowboys jerseys here, most teams alfred morris jersey have completed the basic work of setting up and no extra places reserved for Tracy McGrady. Ideal and reality always has a certain gap, once the present situation continues, Tracy McGrady can only make a decision: to remain Jason Witten jersey in the United States waiting for an opportunity to come to China to play either. While the former is now more in line with McGrady mind, but it may also mean that will say goodbye to basketball courts and even sadly retired. Far more than the former to the latter's viability, but for Tracy McGrady means his NBA career could thus ends.http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/. PC9527cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org