
At that instant the rope on which Phil Forrest was descending gaveway

At that instant the rope on which Phil Forrest was descending gaveway, and Phil came straight down.He landed on Teddy Tucker's head and shoulders, knocking Teddy flaton the ground, where the little Circus Boy lay still. Yet he had, with rarepresence of mind, snubbed the heavy rope around a tent stake, keeping thefree end of the rope in hand, and holding desperately to it.Nor did Teddy release his grip on the rope, now that he had beenknocked unconscious. He held it in place, the strands wound firmlyabout his arm, though inch by inch he was slipping toward the heavy tentstake. Phil had received a severe shaking-up, but he was on his feetquickly, looking about to see on whom he had fallen.