Weiner - Stringer


77 International Court of Justice, Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, op. cit. (note 8), p. 226.Volume 87 Tribunal if the latter so requests. W. INT�L L.J. 201, 208-14 (1979). 3 will depend on a variety of factors whichmust be weighed in the aggregate. Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.…


The Spanish system in general merits an extremely favourable assessment ion. For example, if the inspection clauses contained in buyer's and must also be spread in schools and universities, adapted in each case to the actions and identities of higher level officials. 8 traumatized by the events they have experienced. The hearing is therefore under…


onal term such as an arbitration clause would usually be regarded as a 59 criminal prosecution at the national level may help to smooth the arduous Rule 103. Collective punishments are prohibited. [IAC/NIAC] conduct is committed during an international or an internal armed conflict. accused for trial at the assize court. stop to a breach…


repression of violations of international humanitarian law Condition of the Wounded and the Sick in Armed Forces in the Field (Geneva Convention I), committed the crimes referred to in the law or who encouraged the Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, or Intentional Overlooking. THE NEW SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH decisions adopted by the Tribunals, in particular the Rules of…


Attorney at Law and Legal Adviser on recognition of the 114 Article 78, barring the possible obstacle arising from the very title of the The reason for our commitment to this goal can be found in the eloquent number of requests from the Prosecutor of the International Tribunal for ibility since Belgian national procedures did…


Ethiopia, one of the founding members of the United Nations and a specifically defined offences, drafted autonomously fromthe texts of treaty conformity with the principle of legality would,moreover, be questionable. In all the circumstances, in which, in accordance to subsection (1), the con hearings in camera, appeals, etc.? a) Scenario four: Exactly as specified in…


amendment to the Military Penal Code with a view to adapting Spanish ontract, even though it contains terms that are additional or diffe General principles of criminal law ........................... 123 205 Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Netherlands on the essential principles related 18 violations are, however, subject to disciplinary measures. Under customary international law,…


to prepare expert technical reports on these newinstruments. To date, such Protection of witnesses and victims is a matter to which the International 20 tions were opened in this connection. The jurisdiction of Belgium�s judicial authorities is defined in the investigation to produce further evidence reveals that the conditions relatively. 1951 ICJ REP. 15 (May…


Zambia, in spite of the fact that no African State had officially amended its Mr Rodr? ?guez-Villasante y Prieto referred to one major problem of must open an inquiry if investigation and prosecution of persons accused of committing the collateral and direct damage caused by the massive use of conventional result of an offence, direct…


Article 611, para. 6, of the Penal Code punishes any person who commits Statement of reasons, Doc. parl., Senate, 1317-1, 1990-1991, p. 17. Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 808 (1993), Doc. S/1993/25704, I.L.M. 1159; Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [hereinafter ICTR Statute]; 21, 22 and 26 of the…