
Shoeshine boy

The National Day that day, I went to the county seat. Simon just out of the car came to the bridge, he saw the bridge pavement, almost with a row of palm reading and shoeshine stand, seriously affected the traffic. I do not complain about these people don't ZunZhangShouJi, by the stall. Suddenly a young shout wipe of children's shoes for my attention. Followed the sound, a prominent stalls, there is a boy, is leaning on the bridge are hard Shouting: "shoeshine.The shoeshine boy and my age, a shabby, neat students take cover in thin body, foot wear, is also a pair of small, but very clean shoes. A look at his sallow and no color in the face, I knew he malnutrition. His eyes kept shaking as pedestrians, wish there could be a dirty pair of shoes to his stall.When I walked past his stall, our eye contact. I could see his eyes and face are showing a desire to get warm, eager to return to school, eager to live a fulfilling life. My heart is trembling.Even, I can't help but fell into a deep meditation: "the material civilization highly developed today, people all the time say to" project hope "donation". But didn't notice your side there is much yet to be warm and help.Care to help others, always is the glory of the Chinese nation traditional virtue. As early as two thousand years ago mozi proposed the idea of "universal love". Reform tide impact today, however, there are a lot of people talk about desert, forget, don't say a stranger, even their relatives, and even parents also blithely ignored. Exactly where the lei feng's spirit. "One for all, all for one" where the spirit. microsoft office office 2010 microsoft office 2010 office 2010 download  outlook 2010 microsoft outlook microsoft outlook 2010 outlook 2010 downloadhttp://www.blogoutlook2010.info