But tonight I can't sleep

 è così, stanotte non riesco a dormire, sono quasi le 3 del mattino ...pensieri e sogni (quelli veri, fatti ad occhi aperti) che si rincorrono ...mi fa compagnia questa canzone Your name I spoke many times,Alone in the darkness in the night,And prayed a thousand prayers,And my many dreams were of you.I walked the endless lonely miles.I stumbled path upon path.I watched time slip away.I watched and didn't care.But tonight I can't sleep,'Cause I belong to you.Tonight I can't sleep,'Cause at last I belong to you.I wrote our names in runes,Most magick and secret.In the forest's wintry mantle,I carved them in a tree.And your name I spoke many times,Alone in the darkness in the night,And prayed a thousand prayers,And my many dreams were of you.But tonight I can't sleep,'Cause you belong to me.Tonight I can't sleep,'Cause at last you belong to me.