
raw food

"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." HippocratesWhat is raw foodism?Raw foodism is the dietary practice of eating only uncooked and unproessed foods.How and Why you should start?Your oven gets a rest on this diet. You'll mostly be eating raw fruits, vegetables, and grains. The idea is that heating food destroys its nutrients and natural enzymes, which is bad because enzymes boost digestion and fight chronic desease. In short: when you cook it, you kill it.Little bit of history:In the 1830's Presbyterian minister S.Graham promoted dietary principles similar to the raw food diet as a cure for the current cholera epidemic threatening to strike the US. Graham thought that cholera in particular could be prevent by drinking pure water and eating simple fresh food not compounded by culinary practices.Benefits of raw foodism:Raw food diet can clear up headaches and allergies, boosts immunity and memory and improve arthritis and diabetes.What to try?There are some raw food recipes you can try --> www.rawfoodrecipes.comGood luck!Su pagarba, Gertrūda