
workshop for teachers of yoga

 The 2/11/14 the Iskcon yoga community of Lubiana (Slovenia) has organised a seminar for the teachers and educators with teacher Urmila Mj. During the seminar (from 13 till 15) we have been informed about teaching importance - how to influence and inspire your class, how to help your students apply the knowledge, use it in their daily lifes. Most importanly, how to use yoga philosophy now and in your present situation. Nowadays people's main priorities are family, relationship, money and personal desires. How can we inspire them to make yoga philosophy one of these priorities? This task is for all the teachers: teaching is not only giving the information - at the same time it is showing how to use that information. Teachers must inspire students to apply new knowledge in their daily lifes. In orher words - use it NOW, not tomorrow or next year, but NOW, at this moment.-maybe your student will die in your classroom- said Urmila Mj. This is how she invites everyone practise every day. Of course, to reach every student's heart is a long and hard way. How to make them believe the things you teach as much as you believe them yourself? Your task is to become an example for your student. Become a perfect reflection of your words. However responsibilities for the result takes not only the teacher- everyone in the classroom has to give 100 %. Both - teacher and the student has to give 100 % and it will lead to real and pure communication. That is the reason why Urmila Mj asked everyone - if you do not believe the things you teach, please let other people do it. You cannot spread information you don't understand yourself. To make your lesson easier Urmila Mj devided teaching method into 4 main parts: 1. Finding 1 principle for the class (it is very important to have only one principle so you can concentrate to it)2. Giving people first steps/suggesting them how to apply the knowledge (for example, suggest reading an article or a pharagraph a day with your partner or alone)3. Personalise (apply new things to your personal life)4. PractiseGertruda