
Bees in Malta

I would like to tell you something about my life with the bees ...I came in contact with the Bees some three years ago when I attended a Symposium on the Bees which was held in Malta in collaboration with many countries.. At the same time I was improving a small field and I was determined to have my own bees.. I attended an evening course How to rear Bees and how to harvest Honey.. I also worked my own I built the best possoble Hives I could assemble. All this was ready to have my colonies. I had my first a year ago and another two small ones last May. I came across many problems like other bee keepers. The greatest challenge was to keep them alive when they literally find no flowers for foraging. This year I was told that its the worse since 5 years because of long months of drought. Somehow I managed to keep them healthy and added a fresh water supply day and night. Maybe I harverst a little honey soon as they are foraging on Eucalipthus and carrob trees.Farrugia George - Noumeno Culture Club friend living in Malta