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U.S. to press China on trade promises in 2011

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. trade officials on Wednesday said they have made significant progress with China on an array of trade policies threatening U.S. technology and intellectual property rights and would focus in 2011 on ensuring those new commitments are implemented."I think the results we were able to achieve this (past)year really does show the value of deep engagement with China in trying to resolve issues," Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis told reporters at a briefing.Chinese President Hu Jintao's recent visit to Washington capped a year of steady progress on "indigenous innovation" policies that threatened to require U.S. companies to transfer technology to China in order to participate in that country's vast government procurement market, Marantis said.China also has made promises to increase use of legal software and to crack down on Internet piracy that the United States will be closely monitoring this year."The follow-up is going to absolutely critical because credibility matters and durability matters," said Claire Reade, assistant U.S. trade representative for China.(Reporting by Doug Palmer, Editing by Sandra Maler)Download Commander .Lift Me Up (SH003).Revolt . Mo-CDM.Download Big City Music