pietro schettino

Five keys to safer food for a better life: knowledge=prevention

5 PUNTI CHIAVE PER ALIMENTI PIU' SICURICONOSCERE = PREVENIREWHO's global message "Five keys to safer food" is now recognized as an international reference source to train food handlers and educate consumers. Available in over 60 languages, the poster and the associated training materials developed by WHO, serve as the basis for educational programmes in schools, hospitals, health care centres, canteens, restaurants, both in developing and industrialized countries.
Food safety is a public health priority; millions of people fall ill every year and many die as a result of eating unsafe food. Serious outbreaks of foodborne disease have been documented on every continent in the past decade, and in many countries rates of illnesses are increasing significantly.Key global food safety concerns include:spread of microbiological hazards (including such bacteria as Salmonella or Escherichia coli, e. coli);chemical food contaminants;assessments of new food technologies (such as genetically modified food); andstrong food safety systems in most countries to ensure a safe global food-chain.WHO is working to minimize health risks from farm to table, to prevent outbreaks and to promote 5 keys to food safety. LINKS:Estimating the global burden of foodborne diseaseshttp://www.who.int/features/factfiles/food_safety/facts/en/index.html http://www.sicurezzalimentare.it/   http://www.politicheagricole.it/SicurezzaAlimentare/default  http://www.sicurezzalimentare.net/  http://www.efsa.europa.eu/it/