Bourque - Jacobson
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Al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda-affiliated group which controls large swathes of south and central Somalia, had imposed a ban on foreign aid agencies in its territories in 2009, but has recently allowed limited access. During Wednesday's House of Commons debate on the phone-hacking scandal, MPs called on News International to publish the full exchanges about e-mails examined…


He said discussions with al-Shabab about the safe distribution of food aid were taking place at a local level, and that responses were expected to differ depending on the locality. Mr Cameron said the public inquiry would be widened to examine broadcasters and social media and named the panel He said the goal was to…


"What we need is assurances from the World Food Programme and from other agencies, the United Nations or other agencies, both public and in the non-governmental sector, who are willing to go into Somalia who will tell us affirmatively that they are not being taxed by al-Shabab, they are not being subjected to bribes from…


But US aid officials say assurances must be given that the insurgents will not interfere with its distribution. BBC Africa analyst Martin Plaut says this marks a considerable change in policy from Washington. The UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs for Somalia said the ongoing conflict in Somalia had made it extremely difficult…


Earlier, the Met was accused by MPs of a "catalogue of failures" in the News of the World phone-hacking inquiry. He said discussions with al-Shabab about the safe distribution of food aid were taking place at a local level, and that responses were expected to differ depending on the locality. Save the Children's Sonia Zambakides…


Those conditions include more than 30% of children being acutely malnourished, and four children out of every 10,000 dying daily. The UK Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell, said the response by many European and developed countries to the crisis in the Horn of Africa had been "derisory and dangerously inadequate". "I was…


Labour MP Nick Raynsford said that, when Mr Coulson was at Downing Street, the cabinet secretary was alerted to evidence of illegal phone hacking, covert surveillance and hostile media briefing against a senior government official - the cabinet secretary later denied it. Prime Minister David Cameron told MPs that "with hindsight" he would not have…


Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers said the move came after a "significant increase in the workload" over the past fortnight. Downing Street confirms that the prime minister received and responded to a letter from Labour MP Tom Watson last October, in which he had raised concerns about Mr Coulson18430 4950 23391 27277 23966…


News International's parent company News Corporation has also confirmed it has stopped paying the legal fees of former private detective Glenn Mulcaire, who was convicted of phone hacking on behalf of the News of the World in 2007. "What we need is assurances from the World Food Programme and from other agencies, the United Nations…


BBC Africa analyst Martin Plaut says this marks a considerable change in policy from Washington. One woman he met arrived after a long trip, much of it on foot, carrying her one-and-a-half-year-old son on her back - only to realise, when she arrived, that he was dead. Meanwhile, News of the World owner News International…

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