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Webb said he could not support a provision that would declare Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps to be a foreign terrorist organization, even though that force is said to be supplying explosives and ammunition to Shia extremist groups in Iraq.A declaration that Iran's Guard is a terrorist group would mark the first time that the United States has added the armed forces of any sovereign government to its list of terrorist organizations.``The Revolutionary Guards are part of the Iranian government," Webb said. ``If they are attacking us, they're not a terrorist organization. They're an attacking army."Since coming to the Senate Breitling watches this year, Webb has expressed concern that the Bush administration may be seeking to launch a military strike against Iran with little oversight from Congress. The White House has been considering a terrorist designation for the Guard Corps, the New York Times reported last month.``This has the danger of becoming a de facto declaration fake watches of war against Iran," Webb complained.But sponsors of the legislation-- Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl, a Republican, and Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman, an independent-- said they were simply trying to increase pressure on Iran through economic and diplomatic means to stop interfering in Iraq.The measure passed the Senate easily Wednesday, by a margin of 76 to 22. Virginia Sen. John Warner, a Republican, voted for it.So, in that case, is Sen. Webb, being the former Marine that he is, calling for a declaration of war instead? Nah, couldn be. Even if he is pointing out the fact that Iran is attacking us during a time of war. He supports the troops, but, not their mission. He points out that Iran is attacking those troops, but doesn want pressure put on them. He uses the hawkish excuse that its an attacking army, which should be causus belli for war, but uses it to do nothing that might support this President. Wonder what his actions would be if Clinton finds herself (Heaven forbid)in the same situation as Bush? Webb has no moral courage. Dieters Community View Blog Post