
Professional Golfers question about starting the game?

Professional Golfers question about starting the game?Who has a late start to the game that became a successful professional. Jack Nicklaus started at 10, Norman at 16, YE Yang at 19, and KJ at 16. Is there any other Pros that had a late start? Does anyone know when Mike Weir started to play golf? Im from Canada with a 2 handicap and started when I was 13, (15 now)Look man, starting young is great, but talent and PRACTICE is what’s really important. You didn’t start late at all. if you’re really a 2 hcp at age 15, and did that all in only two years, it looks like you’re well Cheap The Sims 3 Key on your way. Just keep practicing, put in the long hours at the range and hopefully it will pay off. And hey if you dont make it pro, you can still take a lot of peoples money playing at the country club! How do you start a new free match game in GTA 4, for the Xbox 360?Every time I go to play a “custom” game, it says. Loading…, the game screen will appear for 1/4 of a second, then it will say Starting Game… On of my friends started his own custom Saints Row 3 CD Key game. So how do I? Why wont my brand new game of motorstorm start?I just bought Motorstorm(the first one), and i have the newest model of the PS3, and it says Error occurred while starting game and the code number is 80010541, i dont know what to do, any good suggestions?Because your using PS3 mate the stingiest console outXbox360 is the way 2 go. How do you even start a game in socom confrontation?I bought the game a week ago and I havent even been able to play yet… I join servers and people are there just talking and dont start games, then I join a game which already started but when I click to be ready in the lobby it disconnects me… I dont even know how the game Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 CD Key looks like yet.If you have downloaded all the patches, you should be good to go. try going into a server that is’nt very full. I would just green up and wait till the game starts. They had a new patch that had to be downloaded in the last couple of days if you don’t have it yet get it. If all else fails go to playstation website and look through the forum for socom confrontation. I wish I coupld help you more.Copyright from