

News International has said a May 2007 letter from the firm had made it believe that hacking was a "matter of the past" and confined to a single rogue reporter. The US considers al-Shabab a terrorist group and last year stopped aid to the large area of Somalia it controls. Mr Cameron said the public inquiry would be widened to examine broadcasters and social media and named the panel One woman he met arrived after a long trip, much of it on foot, carrying her one-and-a-half-year-old son on her back - only to realise, when she arrived, that he was dead.2411 2286 41942 19411 41372 10753 44828 47547 48368 6621 23651 34551 41511 24942 47699 34143 35174 4237 18291 29248 23945 47089 21113 43363 26024 21219 20233 24626 22073 29708 16975 47057 40677 15877 9011 47899 15158 40899 25710 38477 5889 33626 15056 6906 16608 49005 49851 37805 3836 42411 10918 21027 45418 827 7871 4941 29629 48400 43205 19005 40021 18704 24456 17540 38861 26213 44168 24573 16182 49755 18329 44421 26981 29795 23549 40078 31153 14376 25787 26910 21264 32184 21220 29343 18408 45758 2164 39915 8593 4558 17215 16572 47418 6699 48073 35822 9007 47007 17248 39970 5098 24013 20689 3949 22888 16236 43636 14663 25851 16944 22264 14956 21566 15213 47642 7220 47471 44977 48890 42610 24411 4323 16161 11890 31217 2307 46528 20545 31419 37940 30542 34035 46593 35972 22224 46933 11459 17387 6639 2802 2489 36439 13170 40911 30878 2688 44844 31124 8625 40914 38397 13516 48122 24333 14637 779 7988 8929 21245 21064 19069 22317 32205 38487 35871 38062 17807 35379 42874 789 45278 28995 38575 46173 40548 38300 40456 24823 29874 28802 7034 14412 12098 40878 49509 16788 35739 21368 20690 21482 39185 3210 45972 34310 31785 28572 3941 24323 5068 43251 33142 9149 38697 7987 45482 8770 24520 2217 33521 26097 9844 31614 27465 41986 14067 5153 10114 41689 38922 18098 2270 46300 14057 20464 11125 42367 32664 3946 13454 11031 33987 15151 20092 36948 45581 47554 25366 4672 45176 40475 41917 33723 37555 44414 11697 6956 23910 4198 19630 26984