MTG Gamblers - Valencia - 9/12/2007

Nacionalidad de los JugadoresEspaña – 124Italia – 16EEUU – 3Canada – 1 Suiza – 1 Francia – 1 Uso de Proxis por los JugadoresSin Proxies – 78Con Proxies – 63Metagame Deck BreakdownGush Tinker – 17MUD Domination – 8Red Aggro Stax – 8TK Deeznauts – 7Tyrant Oath – 7 Control Slaver – 6Ravager MUD – 6Gush Tendrils – 5MonoGifts – 5GroATog – 45-Color Stax – 4 Goblins – 4Fish UWB – 4 Bomberman – 4Manaless Ichorid – 4 MUD – 3Fish UBR – 3 UB Mask – 3 Gush/Oath Platinum – 3Flash Rector – 3UW Control – 3Fish UW – 2 Grim Long – 2White Stax – 2 Landstill – 2 Oath – 2 Black Mask – 2Flash Hulk – 2 Fish UWR – 2 Dark MonoGifts – 2 TPS – 2 MUC – 2 Fish WBGU – 1 UBAStax – 1 Sensei Sensei – 1 TMWA – 1 MindTwister – 1 Dragon – 1 Food Chain Goblins – 1 UBR Mask – 1 Pox – 1Fish UWR – 1 Almost Blue – 1 Fish UR – 1 Psychatog – 1 UW AggroControl – 1 TarmoAGro – 1 Metagame Deck Breakdown by Deck Type32 Workshop Decks27 Gush Decks15 Fish Decks13 Dreadnought Decks13 Drain Decks12 Oath Decks5 Goblins Decks5 Flash Decks5 Storm Decks4 Ichorid Decks4 Bomberman Decks2 Landstill Decks2 Other Combo Decks7 Other Control DecksTop 16 Deckslists1º David Beduzzi - Ravager MUD4 Metal Worker3 Triskelion3 Karn, Silver Golem3 Arcbound Ravager4 CHalice of the Void4 Thorn of Amethyst4 Sphere of Resistance4 Tangle Wire3 Sword of FIre Ice1 Trinisphere1 Black Lotus1 Mox Pearl1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Sappire1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Jet1 Sol Ring1 Mana Vault1 Mana Crypt1 Tolarian Academy1 Strip Mine2 City of Traitors3 Wasteland3 Mishra's Factory4 Ancient Tomb4 Mishra's workshopSB:3 POwder Keg3 Crucible of Worlds3 Pithing Needle3 Spawning Pit3 Tormod's Crypt2º Eric Dupuis - GAT4 Quirion Dryad1 Psychatog4 Force of Will4 Misdirection4 Duress4 Brainstorm4 Ponder4 Gush4 Merchant Scroll1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Mystical Tutor1 Cunning Wish1 Echoing Truth1 Vampiric Tutor1 Demonic Tutor1 Yawgmoth's Will1 Fastbond1 Black Lotus1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Jet2 Island3 Tropical Island3 Underground Sea3 Polluted Delta3 Flooded StrandSB:2 Tormod's Crypt1 Hydroblast1 Hurkyl's Recall1 Snuff Out1 SMother1 Berserk2 Oxidize3 Pithing Needle3 Tarmogoyf3º Mattia Benabbi - TPS1 Platinum Angel4 Force of Will4 Brainstorm3 Duress2 Tendrils of Agony1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Timetwister1 Echoing Truth1 Rebuild1 Read the Runes1 Tinker1 Mystical Tutor1 Gifts Ungiven1 Chain of Vapour1 Fact or Fiction1 Mind's Desire1 Vampiric Tutor1 Demonic Tutor1 Yawgmoth's Will1 Necropotence1 Yawgmoth's Bargain1 Recoup4 Dark Ritual1 Mox Pearl1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Jet1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Emerald1 Black Lotus1 Mana Crypt1 Lotus Petal1 Sol Ring1 Mana Vault1 Tolarian Academy1 Swamp2 Island2 Volcanic Island2 Flooded Strand3 Underground Sea3 Polluted DeltaSB:3 Withered Wretch1 Rebuild1 Darkblast1 Pyroclasm1 Hurkyl's Recall1 Empty the Warrens1 Sundering Titan3 Yixlid Jailer3 Red Elemental Blast4º Elías Úbeda - Gush-Tinker1 Platinum Angel4 Force of Will4 Duress3 Mana Drain1 Misdirection1 Red Elemental Blast4 Merchant Scroll1 Mystical Tutor1 Vampiric Tutor1 Demonic Tutor1 Repeal1 Rebuild1 Echoing Truth4 Brainstorm4 Gush1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Fact or Fiction1 Yawgmoth's Will1 Fastbond1 Regrowth1 Brain Freeze1 Tinker1 Black Lotus1 Sol Ring1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Jet1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Ruby1 Library of Alexandria1 Tropical Island2 Volcanic Island3 Underground Sea2 Island2 Polluted Delta3 Flooded StrandSB:1 Engineered Explosives2 Pithing Needle2 Red Elemental Blast1 Firestorm2 Viashino Heretic1 Darksteel Colossus3 Yixlid Jailer1 Trygon Predator2 Ingot Chewer5º Eugeni Sánchez - UR Control SLaver3 Magus of the Moon3 Goblin Welder1 Darksteel Colossus1 Triskelavus1 Gorilla Shaman4 Force of Will4 Mana Drain2 Spell Snare2 Red Elemental Blast4 Brainstorm3 Thirst for Knowledge2 Mechant Scroll1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Mystical Tutor1 Fact or Fiction1 Echoing Truth1 Tinker1 Mindslaver1 Sol Ring1 Mana Crypt1 Black Lotus1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Jet1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Pearl1 Library of Alexandria1 Tolarian Academy4 Volcanic Island5 Island2 Flooded Strand2 Polluted DeltaSB:3 Tormod's Crypt2 Pithing Needle1 Platinum Angel2 Control Magic1 Spell Snare2 Rack and Ruin2 Pyroclasm1 Pyroblast1 Red Elemental Blast6º Miguel Blaya Vera - Red Agro Stax4 Magus of the Moon4 Goblin Welder4 Juggernaut4 Solemn Simulacrum3 Gorilla Shaman2 Duplicant4 Sphere of Resistance4 Thorn of Amethyst3 Orb of Dreams3 Sword of FIre Ice1 Trinisphere1 Sol Ring1 Mana Crypt1 Black Lotus1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Jet1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Pearl1 Tolarian Academy1 Strip Mine3 Wasteland4 Mishra's Workshop7 MountainSB:3 Powder Keg3 Tormod's Crypt3 Greater Gargadon3 Red Elemental Blast3 Shattering Spree7º Francesco Banti - Gush Tendrils4 Force of Will2 Duress1 Thougtseize1 Chain of Vapour1 Echoing Truth1 Rebuild4 Merchant Scroll4 Gush4 Brainstorm2 Ponder1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Timetwister1 Mystical Tutor1 Mind's Desire1 Imperial Seal1 Vampiric Tutor1 Demonic Tutor1 Yawgmoth's Will1 Tendrils of Agony1 Empty the Warrens1 Regrowth1 Fastbond1 Dark Ritual1 Sol Ring1 Mana Crypt1 Black Lotus1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Jet1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Pearl1 Lotus Petal1 Tolarian Academy1 Island1 Volcanic Island2 Tropical Island3 Underground Sea3 Flooded Strand3 Polluted DeltaSB:3 Pithing Needle1 Platinum Angel1 Tinker3 Yixlid Jailer2 Spell Snare2 Massacre1 Oxidize1 Hurkyl's Recall1 Rack and Ruin8º Niccolo Lai - Dark Monogifts3 Dark Confidant4 Force of Will4 Mana Drain3 Duress1 Misdirection4 Merchant Scroll4 Brainstorm1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Fact or Fiction1 Gifts Ungiven1 Intuition1 Mystical Tutor1 Chain of Vapour1 Echoing Truth1 Rebuild1 Demonic Tutor1 Yawgmoth's Will1 Tendrils of Agony1 Recoup1 Empty the Warrens1 Fire/Ice1 Black Lotus1 Lotus Petal1 Mana Crypt1 Sol Ring1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Jet1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Pearl1 Tolarian Academy2 Volcanic Island3 Underground Sea3 Island2 Flooded Strand3 Polluted DeltaSB:3 Yixlid Jailer2 Spell Snare2 Pithing Needle2 Rack and Ruin1 Red Elemental Blast1 Pyroblast1 Tinker1 Sundering Titan1 Platinum Angel1 Hurkyl's Recall9º Adrián Playa Muñoz - Manaless Ichorid4 Street Wraith4 Narcomoeba4 Ichorid4 Golgari Thug4 Golgari Grave-Troll4 Stinkweed Imp2 Flae-kin Zealot4 Cabal Therapy4 Dread Return4 Leyline of the Void4 Bridge from Below4 Chalice of the Void4 Sreum Powder2 Unmask4 Dryad Arbor4 Bazaar of BagdadSB:4 Reverent Silence3 Contagion3 Emerald Charm3 Ancient Grudge2 Oxidize10º Ricar Tuduri - UW Fish4 Meddling Mage4 Ninja of the Deep Hours3 Stormscape Apprentice3 Aven Mindcensor2 Jötun Grunt2 Kataki, War's Wage2 Icatian Javaliners4 Force of Will3 Daze3 Null Rod2 Stifle3 Brainstorm2 Swords to Plowshares1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Mox Pearl1 Mox Sapphire1 Strip Mine1 Plains3 Island4 Tundra4 Wasteland2 Polluted Delta4 Flooded StrandSB:2 Tormod's Crypt2 Umezawa's Jitte2 Energy Flux2 Spell Snare2 Swords to Plowshares2 Disenchant1 Stifle1 Echoing Truth1 Rule of Law11º Santiago Hoyas Navarro - Red Aggro Stax4 Juggernaut4 Magus of the Moon3 Gorilla Shaman3 Goblin Welder3 Solemn Simulacrum2 Triskelion4 Sphere of Resistance4 Thorn of Amethyst3 Swords of Fire Ice2 Powder Keg1 Umezawa's Jitte1 Trinisphere1 Sol Ring1 Mana Crypt1 Mana Vault1 Black Lotus1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Jet1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Pearl1 Tolarian Academy1 Strip Mine4 Wasteland4 Mishra's Workshop7 MountainSB:4 Leyline of the Void3 Jester's Cap3 Red Elemental Blast3 Shattering Spree2 Duplicant12º Alejandro Escribano - UB Mask4 Dark Confidant4 Phyrexian Dreadnought4 Duress4 Force of Will4 Stifle2 Misdirection1 TriCkbind4 Brainstorm3 Illusionary Mask1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Merchant Scroll1 Vampiric Tutor1 Demonic Tutor1 Echoing Truth1 Engineered Explosives1 Black Lotus1 Mox Jet1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Pearl1 Lotus Petal1 Sol Ring1 Strip Mine4 Wasteland1 Swamp1 Volcanic Island2 Island3 Underground Sea4 Polluted DeltaSB:4 Leyline of the Void3 Spell Snare2 Smother1 Pithing Needle1 Engineered Explosives1 Pyroblast1 Red Elemental Blast1 Rack and Ruin1 Hurkyl's Recall13º Eduardo Castro - Landstill1 Gorilla Shaman4 Force of Will4 Mana Drain4 Stifle2 Misdirection2 Red Elemental Blast2 Pyroblast4 Standstill4 Fire/Ice3 Null Rod2 Crucible of Worlds2 Chain of Vapour1 Ancestral Recall1 Black Lotus1 Mox Sapphire1 Library of Alexandria1 Strip Mine4 Wasteland4 Mishra's Factory2 Faery Conclave1 Island2 Steam Vents4 Volcanic Island2 Flooded Strand2 Polluted DeltaSB:4 Pyroclasm3 Tormod's Crypt3 Ancient Grudge2 Threads of Disloyalty2 Gorilla Shaman1 Tropical Island14º Aurelio Crespo - GushPlatinum2 Platinum Angel4 Force of Will4 Pact of Negation3 Duress3 Mana Drain1 Misdirection4 Brainstorm4 Gush2 Merchant Scroll1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Tinker1 Echoing Truth1 Mystical Tutor1 Vampiric Tutor1 Demonic Tutor4 Oath of Druids1 Gaea's Blessing1 Fastbond1 Black Lotus1 Lotus Petal1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Jet1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Emerald1 Volcanic Island2 Tropical Island2 Underground Sea2 Island3 Forbidden Orchard2 Polluted Delta3 Flooded StrandSB:4 Leyline of the Void2 Simic Skyswallower2 Oxidize2 Pyroblast1 Red Elemental Blast1 Ancient Grudge1 Sundering Titan1 Darkblast1 Engineered Explosives15º Roberto Luengo - GAT4 Quirion Dryad1 Psychatog4 Force of Will4 Duress2 Mana Drain2 Misdirection1 Pyroblast4 Brainstorm4 Merchant Scroll4 Gush2 Ponder1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Mystical Tutor1 Vampiric Tutor1 Demonic Tutor1 Yawgmoth's Will1 Echoing Truth1 Cunning Wish1 Fastbond1 Black Lotus1 Mox Jet1 Mox Emerald1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Sapphire1 Library of Alexandria1 Island1 Volcanic Island2 Tropical Island3 Underground Sea3 Flooded Strand3 Polluted DeltaSB:3 Yixlid Jailer2 Trickbind2 Energy Flux2 Pithing Needle1 Berserk1 Red Elemental Blast1 Fire/Ice1 Ancient Grudge1 Rack and Ruin1 Volcanic Island16º Carlos del Mazo - Tyrant Oath1 Tidespout Tyrant1 Eternal Witness4 Chalice of the Void4 Force of Will3 Mana Drain3 Thoughtseize1 Misdirection4 Brainstorm2 Cunning Wish2 Thirst for Knowledge1 Ancestral Recall1 Time Walk1 Repeal1 Deep Analisys1 Vampiric Tutor1 Demonic Tutor1 Yawgmoth's Will1 Krosan Reclamation4 Oath of Druids1 Mana Crypt1 Lotus Petal1 Black Lotus1 Mox Sapphire1 Mox Jet1 Mox Pearl1 Mox Ruby1 Mox Emerald1 Tolarian Academy1 Tropical Island2 Underground Sea2 Island2 Polluted Delta3 Flooded Strand4 Forbidden OrchardSB:4 Leyline of the Void2 Trickbind1 Brain Freeze1 Fact or Fiction1 Research//Development1 Rebuild1 Echoing Truth1 Misdirection1 Tinker1 Simic Skyswallower1 Platinum AngelInj vs Dupuis - 1Inj vs Dupuis - 2Inj vs Dupuis - 3Inj vs Dupuis - 4Inj vs Dupuis - 5