"Poco Sesso Rende Miopi" Team! Pwning Magic in Sicily



Prossimi Tornei Importanti

Bazaar of Moxen 2 - Annecy - 20/9/2008



1) Addario Marco 137
2) Porcelli Filippo 132
3) D’alessandro Matteo 120
4) Salamone Luca 113
5) Gresta Marco 90
6) Pizzo Davide 83
7) Lo Forte Aldo 66
8) Fazio Andrea 66
9) Musarra Antonio 63
10) Garziano Daniele 63
11) Garziano Luigi 60
12) Fallica Alessio 60
13) Cavallaro Guido 59
14) Ceraolo Paolo 59
15) Ingallinera Daniele 58
16) Giambertone Paolo 57
17) Aiello Carlo 53
18) Mazzaglia Stefano 47
19) Patti Francesco 46
20) Bonadies Luca 42
21) Arancio Domenico 42
22) Sciuto Valerio 42
23) Perna Salvatore 35
24) D’arrigo Gabriele 32
25) Hung Mario 32
26) Mirone Giovanni 31
27) Ficicchia Giuseppe 31
28) Di Leo Salvatore 30
29) Naso Giuseppe 27
30) Mollisi Vincenzo 27
31) Nicolosi Luca 26
32) Guerrieri Carmelo 25
33) Messana Vincenzo 25
34) Asta Angelo 25
35) Reforgiato Antonio 24
36) Torregrossa Antonio 22
37) Iacono Alessandro 21
38) Farace Pietro Paolo 19
39) Ragusa Davide 18
40) La Mendola Alessio 18
41) Franciò Francesco 16
42) Odisseo Roberto 15
43) Canzonieri Alessio 15
44) Fornaio Alessandro 15
45) Siino Giuseppe Massimo 14
46) Iurato Valerio 12
47) Lucchese Ennio 12
48) Privitera Alma 12
49) Plachino Stefano 10
50) La Terra Salvatore 10
51) Vanasco Marcello 10
52) Canzonieri Alessio 10
53) Zaffino Marco 10
54) Terranova Angelo 9
55) D’arrigo Francesco 9
56) Platania Alessio 9
57) Marletta Javier 9
58) Natale Michele 9
59) Neri Antonio 9
60) Nicolosi Francesco 9
61) Pilato Silvio 9
62) Sciacca Baldasarre 9
63) Sicilia Alberto 9
64) Caruso Vincenzo 9
65) Caruso Francesco 9
66) Spada Marcello 8
67) Sanfilippo Giuseppe 7
68) Nunziatino Pasquale 7
69) Mirone Luigi 6
70) Mannarà Maurizio 6
71) Naso Antonio 6
72) Barone Paolo 6
73) Cilia Mirko 6
74) Di Stefano Giordano 6
75) Rizzo Claudio 6
76) Ferrara Claudio 6
77) Filoramo Danilo 6
78) Nicosia Vito 6
79) Palumbo Stefano 6
80) Passaro Rocco 6
81) Ricciletti Michelangelo 6
82) Ventura Marco 6
83) La Mattina Federico 6
84) Cannata Vincenzo 3
85) Mancuso Simone 3
86) Speranza Alessandra 3
87) Alberio Rosario 3
88) Litrico Marco 3
89) Fallica Alberto 3
90) Puleo Vincenzo 3
91) Finocchiaro Marco 3
92) Iacono Sebastiano 1
93) Mammana Andrea 0
94) Belfiore Adriano 0
95) Bugio Federico 0



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Top 8 Paternò #1 - Caltanisetta #3

Post n°7 pubblicato il 28 Marzo 2008 da PSRM_Team
Tag: Report

T1KING #1 Paternò

Primo Classificato: Marco Addario (Flash)

4x Brainstorm
4x Force of Will
1x Misdirection
3x Patto di negazione
2x Patto dell’evocatore
4x Flash
4x Mole proteiforme
1x Mangiacarogne
1x Guida karmica
1x Ultracorpo
1x kiki-jiki, spaccaspecchi
4x Merchant scroll
3x Duress
1x Catena di vapore
1x Verità riecheggiante
1x Rubapensiero
1x Tutore mistico
1x Tutore vampirico
1x Tutore demoniaco
1x Ancestral recall
1x Ricerca\Sviluppo
1X Petalo di loto
1x Mox sapphire
1x Mox di cromo
2x Elfo spirito guida
4x Flooded strand
2x Polluted delta
4x Mare sotterraneo
2x Tropical island
2x Isola


4x Leyline del nulla
4x Tramutante virulento
1x Tramutante coraggioso
2x Trickbind
1x Verità riecheggiante
1x Asportare
2x Silenzio reverenziale

Secondo Classificato: Luca Salamone (Dark TPS)

3x Undergroun sea
1x Volcanic Island
3x Polluted delta
2x Flooded Strand
1x Library of Alexandria
1x Tolary Accademy
2x Island
2x Swamp
3x Dark Confidant
4x Dark ritual
3x Duress
4x Force of Will
4x Brainstorm
1x Mox jet
1x Mox sapphire
1x Mox emerald
1x Mox pearl
1x Mox ruby
1x Black lotus
1x Lotus Petal
1x Sol ring
1x Mana crypt
1x Mana Vault
1x Memory Jar
1x Yawgmoth’s Bargain
1x Necropotence
1x Mind's desire
1x Ancestral recall
1x Timetwister
1x Timewalk
1x Tendrils of agony
1x Empty the Warrens
1x Repeal
1x Chain of vapor
1x Hurkyl’s recall
1x Yawgmoth's will
1x Tinker
1x Tutore demoniaco
1x Tutore vampirico
1x Tutore mistico


4x Leyline del nulla
1x Angelo di platino
1x Trickbind
2x Peste artificiale
2x Energy flux
1x Spellsnare
1x Asportare
1x Fiume impetuoso
2x Hydroblast

Terzo Classificato: Meno Gurrieri (Tyrant oath)

1x Tidespout Tyrant
4xForce of Will
4x Mana Drain
1x Mystical Tutor
1x Echoing Truth
1x Misdirection
3x Deep Analysis
3x Intuition
4x Braindstorm
3x Cunning Wish
3x Duress
1x Mox Sapphire
1x Mox Jet
1x Mox Emerald
1x Mox Pearl
1x Mox Ruby
1x Mana Crypt
1x Lotus Petal
1x Sol Ring
4x Oath of Druids
1x Krosan Reclamation
1x Yawghmoth's Will
1x Demonic Tutor
1x Ancestral Recall
1x Time Walk
2x Underground Sea
1x Tropical Island
4x Forbidden Orchard
1x Tolarian Academy
2x Island
3x Polluted Delta
2x Flooded Strand


3x Chalice of the Void
1x Vampiric Tutor
4x Leyline of the Void
2x Energy Flux
1x BrainFreeze
2x Engineered Plague
1x Echoing Truth

Quarto Classificato: Stefano Mazzaglia (Tyrant oath)

1 Eternal Witness
1 Tidespout Tyrant
1 Ancestral Recall
4 Brainstorm
2 Cunning Wish
4 Force of Will
1 Krosan Reclamation
3 Mana Drain
1 Misdirection
1 Repeal
2 Thirst for Knowledge
1 Vampiric Tutor
1 Deep Analysis
1 Demonic Tutor
3 Thoughtseize
1 Time Walk
1 Yawgmoth's Will
4 Oath of Druids
1 Black Lotus
4 Chalice of the
1 Lotus Petal
1 Mana Crypt
1 Mox Emerald
1 Mox Jet
1 Mox Pearl
1 Mox Ruby
1 Mox Sapphire
3 Flooded Strand
4 Forbidden Orchard
2 Island
2 Polluted Delta
1 Tolarian Academy
1 Tropical Island
2 Underground Sea


1 Platinum Angel
1 Simic Sky Swallower
1 Brain Freeze
1 Echoing Truth
1 Fact or Fiction
1 Misdirection
1 Rebuild
1 Research / Development
2 Trickbind
1 Tinker
4 Leyline of the Void

Quinto Classificato: Francesco Patti (Gamberone.deck)

3x Stifle
4x Brainstorm
1x Ancestral recall
4x Dark ritual
2x Trickbind
1x Hunted horror
4x Force of will
1x Lotus petal
1x Mystical tutor
4x Sterminatore di phyrexia
1x Sol ring
1x Vampiric tutor
3x Merchant scroll
3x Daze
2x Illusionary mask
3x Duress
1x Tendrils of agony
1x Rebuild
1x Demonic Tutor
1x Echoing truth
1x Black lotus
1x Mana crypt
1x Mox sapphire
1x Yawgmoth’s will
1x Island
4x Polluted delta
3x Underground sea
4x Wasteland
1x Swamp
1x Strip mine


1x Darkblast
3x Rubapensiero
3x Strage
4x Carceriere yixlid
1x Hurkyl’s recall
2x Misdirection
1x Trickbind

Sesto Classificato: Davide Pizzo (Hulk Flash)

3x Underground sea
2x Tropical island
2x Island
1x Polluted delta
4x Flooded strand
4x Protean Hulk
1x Karmic guide
1x Kiki-Jiki, mirror breaker
1x Body snatcher
1x Carrion feeder
1x Benevolent bodyguard
4x Elvish spirit guide
4x Flash
4x Merchant scroll
1x Demonic tutor
1x Vampiric tutor
1x Mystical tutor
3x Summoner’s pact
4x Brainstorm
4x Ponder
4x Force of will
4x Pact of negation
2x Misdirection
1x Chain of vapor
1x Mana crypt
1x Lotus petal


1x Chain of vapor
1x Echoing truth
3x Duress
3x Reverent silence
2x Massacre
4x Virulent sliver
1x Heart sliver

Settimo Classificato: Paolo Ceraolo (Muoio di confidant)

1x Mana vault
2x Cabal therapy
2x Cabal ritual
4x Dark confidant
4x Rito oscuro
4x Duress
1x L’imdul vault
4x Brainstorm
1x Merchant scroll
1x Ttutore demoniaco
1x Ancestral recall
4x Force of will
2x Empty the warrens
1x Mox ruby
1x Tendrils of agony
1x Sol ring
1x Black lotus
1x Mox emerald
1x Mana Crypt
1x Yawgmoth’s will
1x Mystical tutor
1x Verità riecheggiante
1x Vampiric turor
1x Tinker
1x Petalo di loto
1x Colosso di darksteel
1x Necropotenza
2x Swamp
1x Island
4x Delta inquinato
1x Floode strand
4x Underground sea
1x Volcanic island
1x Badland


2x Massacre
1x Fiume impetuoso
1X Viashino eretico
4x Leyline of the void
3x Spell snare
2x Pyroblast
2x Pyroclasm

Ottavo Classificato: Luigi Garziano (Pitch Long)

3x Underground sea
1x Tolarian Accademy
1x Flooded Strand
4x Polluted delta
1x Island
2x Swamp
1x Ancestral recall
1x Chain of vapor
1x Memory jar
1x Tinker
1x Time walk
1x Demonic Tutor
1x Mystical tutor
1x Vampiric tutor
3x Grim tutor
4x Brainstorm
1x Mox emerald
1x Mox sapphire
1x Mox jet
1x Mox pearl
1x Mox ruby
1x Lotus petal
1x Black lotus
4x Force of will
1x Yawgmoth’s bargain
1x Timetwister
2x Tendrils of agony
1x Necropotence
1x Yawgmoth’s will
1x Sol ring
1x Mind’s desire
4x Dark ritual
3x Cabal ritual
1x Mana vault
1x Mana crypt
1x Echoing truth
1x Hurkyl’s recall
3x Duress


2x Echoing truth
1x Hurkyl’s recall
2x Massacre
4x Leyline of the void
1x Rebuild
1x Island
1x Darksteel colossus
2x Pithing needle
1x Swamp

T1KING #3 Caltanisetta

Primo Classificato: Carlo Aiello (Future Manaless)

4 Bazaar
4 Colgari troll
4 imp
2 thug
2 darkblast
4 Leyline of the Void
4 Calici del nulla
4 Therapy
4 Bridge from Below
4 Bosco Driade
1 Unmask
2 Street wraith
4 Ichorid
4 Narcomoebe
2 nether shadow
1 duplicant
1 Titano Frantumatore
1 Flamekin zealot
1 cefalid sage
3 dread return
4 serum powder


4 Bayou
4 Reverent silence
3 Emerald Charm (benedetti)
3 Pithing (messi solo per tappare i buchi in side)
1 Darkblast

Secondo Classificato: Filippo Porcelli (Flash)

3x Polluted Delta
1x Flooded Strand
1x Bloodstained Mire
2x Underground Sea
1x Watery grave
1x Tropical Island
3x Island
1x Lotus Petal
1x MoxJet
1x MOx Ruby
1x Black Lotus
1x Mana crypt
1x ESG
1x carrion Feeder
1x Karmic Guide
1x Kiki Jiki
1x Body snatcher
4x Protean Hulk
4x Force of Will
4x Pact of Negation
1x Misdirection
3x Duress
4x Flash
3x Merchant Scroll
4x Brainstorm
3x Ponder
1x Ancestral Recall
1x Echoing Truth
1x Chain of Vapor
1x Demonic Tutor
1x Vampiric Tutor
1x Mystical Tutor
2x Summoner's Pact


4x Forbidden Orchard
4x Oath of Druids
2x Platinum Angel
1x Gaea's Blessing (JAH BLESSING)
1x Echoing Truth
3x Mana Leak

Terzo Classificato: Luigi Garziano (TPS)

4 duress SIDE (15)
4 rito oscuro
1 tendrills of agony
1 necropotenza
1 yawgmoth’s bargain
1 tutore vampirico
1 tutore demoniaco
1 echoing truth
1 yawgmoth’s will
4 force of will
4 brainstorm
3 dark confidant
1 repeal
1 rebuild
1 chain of vapour
1 mind’s desire
1 tutore mistico
1 ancestrall recall
1 timetwister
1 time walk
1 tinker
1 empty the warrens
1 mox pearl
1 mox sapphire
1 mox jet
1 mox emerald
1 mox ruby
1 lotus petal
1 black lotus
1 mana crypt
1 sol ring
1 mana vault
1 memory jar
3 underground sea
1 volcanic island
1 flooded strand
4 polluted delta
2 island
2 swamp
1 tolarian accademy

4 Leyline of the void
2 Ago spinale
2 Hurkyl’s recall
1 Colosso di Darksteel
1 Asportare
2 Massacre
2 Echoing truth
1 Trickbind

Quarto Classificato: Davide Pizzo (URg FatFish)

4 volcanic island
3 tropical island
2 island
3 polluted delta
3 flooded strand
4 wasteland
1 stripmine
4 sage of epityr
3 gorilla shaman
3 grim lavamancer
3 tarmogoyf
4 ninja of the deep hours
4 chalice of the void
4 force of will
3 daze
3 spell snare
2 misdirection
4 brainstorm
3 echoing truth


3 ancient grudge
2 hurkyl's recall
3 red elemental blast
3 pyrostatic pyllar
2 umezawa's jitte
2 threads of disloyalty

Quinto Classificato: Matteo D'Alessandro (LandStill UR Future Version)

4 Isole Vulcaniche
4 Fabbrica di Mishra
3 Flooded Strand
3 Wasteland
2 Conclave Fatato
2 Isole
2 Polluted Delta
1 Strip Mine
1 Library of Alexandria
1 Barbarian Ring
4 Stand Still
4 Force of Will
4 Spell Snare
4 Stifle
4 Mana Drain
4 Fire/Ice
2 Misdirection
2 Null Rod
2 Crucible of Worlds
2 Chain of Vapor
1 Echo in Truth
1 Trick Bind
1 Mox Sapphire
1 Black Lotus
1 Ancestral Recall


4 Piroclasm
3 Leyline del Paradosso
2 Shattering Spree
2 Rack and Ruin
2 Pyroblast
1 Red Elemental Blast
1 Trick Bind

Sesto Classificato: Francesco Franciò (Tyrant Oath)

Settimo Classificato: Marco Gresta (UR-ca Slight)

4x Bloodstained Mire
3x Wasteland
1x Strip Mine
4x Volcanic Island
1x Flooded Strand
5x Mountain (4)
3x Mishra's Factory
4x [TE] Jackal Pup
2x [AL] Gorilla Shaman (2)
3x Hearth Kami
4x Ninja of the Deep Hours
4x Mogg Fanatic
4x Pyrostatic Pillar
4x Chalice of the Void
3x Daze
4x Lightning Bolt
3x Fire/Ice
4x Red Elemental Blast


4x Pyrokinesis
4x Leyline of the Void
3x Shattering Spree
4x Greater Gargadon

Ottavo Classificato: Antonio Torregrossa (Stax-Affinity)

4x Morsa Celebrale
3x Vascello Lunare Myr
4x Oppressore Myr
1x Sol Ring
4x Ornitottero
2x Calice del Nulla
4x Scagliapensiero
4x Ranella
4x Juggernaut
2x Ago Spinale
3x Placca Cefalica
2x Cripta di thormod
4x Cavo intrappolante
1x Mana Vault
1x Mana Crypt
1x Accademia di Tolaria
4x Sede del Sinodo
4x Mishra's Factory
4x Volta dei Sussurri
1x Strip Mine
4x Ancient tomb


1x Placca Cefalica
1x Vascello Lunare Myr
1x Lotus Petal
1x Ago Spinale
2x Catena di Vapore
4x Dente di Chiss Goria
2x Cripta di Thormod
4x Gayser mentale

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Un blog di: PSRM_Team
Data di creazione: 27/03/2008








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